MovieChat Forums > She Hate Me (2004) Discussion > New breed of sexual orientation

New breed of sexual orientation

Although this film is fun to watch it is politically incorrect depending on what your politics are. The ending is somewhat far fetched but I do like what it strives for. I am finding that people do not feel a need to label themselves anymore(gay, straight, bisexual). Theres a new breed of individuals that don't subject there sexual orientation by anatomy meaning that they are genuinely attracted to the person and not whether the person is male or female. This is not bisexuality. Bisexuality means you are attracted to both sexes physically. I think it's a very smart concept to start healthy relationships. Fall in love with the person. Theres much more to say.

[email protected]


i agree that there are plenty of people who are in the opinion that they simply fall in love with a person, regardless of gender, but this is hardly a new development.


It is entirely possible for a sixteen year old guy to become infatuated and have a sexual relationship with a 68 year old woman. It's kinda weird, but he 'fell in love with the person.' Remember that the next time you see some old fart with a 20-year-old!


Ok... then what about a situtation where a hetero male falls in love with a transgendered female?

The hetero male didn't know the girl he fell in love with was really a man until after he's become attached.

The hetero male is not attracted to her male genitalia, but still wants to be with the transgenered female.

So is that falling in love with the person, or with their sex?

I don't know, suddenly, it doesn't seem so clear cut anymore, does it?



Either deluded or has bisexual tendencies.
But the hetero male is not attracted to other males at all.

How can you just write him off as simply bisexual?

I think there's a little bit more going on there.


people need to quit with the stupid labels, ok?
there's no such thing as a "new breed of sexual orientation". maybe a heightened awareness of a certain aspect of sexuality that has been previously hidden but there is nothing new about it. our american society is much freer and more open than ever before, and people are more comfortable about living their lives that don't follow the norm but follow the instincts of their natural selves.

There are 2 types of girls in this world: Girls that run sh|_|t, and girls that take sh|_|t


people are more comfortable about living their lives that don't follow the norm but follow the instincts of their natural selves.
couldn't have said it better myself.


It's not a new breed. It has a definite name, idiot. Wow, you'd think that all mankind were either homosexual or heterosexual. Apparently you had your head stuck in the mud this whole time when the revelation was made that human sexuality is like a scale with no exact orientations and labels.



All you need is love!


Men, whether straight, gay or bi, are attracted psychically to people, especially their genitals. "Feelings" come AFTER sex for most men. No straight man is ever gonna "fall in love" with a dude without first deciding he wants to try c*ck and then trying and discovering he likes c*ck.

Only weirdo women like Cynthia Nixon do it your way.

