MovieChat Forums > Cry Wolf (2005) Discussion > Things I learnt from Cry Wolf.

Things I learnt from Cry Wolf.

1. Going back to a dark library at night while you just saw a killer there is always a good idea.
2. German philosophy is VERY unpopular.
3. If you're alone, and you hear someone suspicious coming towards you, just leave your earphones (which by the way, is blasting a loud rap) in, or else you might HEAR them.
4. Ordinary teenagers are VERY good at staging their own death.


That teenagers this dumb deserve to die a horrible death

That rich dads can get you out of anything

That rock star advisers get a lot of young, hot chicks

That taking pictures on a cell phone in a steamy shower will always include that dark figure behind you

That (those cliche) struggles over a handgun always end up with one being shot dead


that we craven's "scream" is aimed at retarted children.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


Tom just masturbated.

You don't mess with Texas.


Private schools in the US think prestige comes with admitting an earnest, smart and witty English bad boy with a rich powerful daddy.

Most English guys are cute, smart, and have nice teeth.

Chicks dig English guys.

Have at least one black guy in your all white cast, but not as the lead.

Small town hardware stores always have a plentiful supply of camouflage jackets and orange ski masks just in case everybody wants to wear them for Halloween. Plus matching knives.

Everyone looks exactly the same, no matter their size or other features, when wearing camouflage jackets and orange ski masks.

Lying to your friends is fun and doesn't mean you're a d-bag.

Trust is naive, because people you care about will betray you.

Money and power buy access to elite institutions and favorable legal treatment.

At private schools, you will endure shallow, duplicitous people suffering from townie shame and/or daddy issues.

You should always have a rich powerful father, just in case.

Someone will die or be traumatized if you and your friends play d-bag lying games, so best to use your creativity toward more constructive pursuits.


25. If you're hot, your friends would trust you with anything.

26. If you're hot, you can get away with anything.

27. If you're hot, you can manipulate anyone, anytime, anyway.

28. If you're hot, you're always presumed innocent.

29. Never trust a hot chick, ever.


1. You are allowed to swim in the gym completely alone without lifeguards or a buddy at a private school where they have strict bedtimes.
2. Owen Matthews is Dodger's hero.
3. A girl who compulsively lies and is a murderer can have a perfectly normal, confident, flirtatious personality.
4. It sounds like there are WWF tryouts going on in Owen and Supernatural guy's room.
5. Students can file a complaint at a private school.
6. Cell phones were as big as a TI-84 graphing calculator as recently as 2005.
7. Perfectly nice guys have a criminal record including "possession."
8. People are perfectly happy at boarding schools.
9. They will turn off most of the lights at a library before asking everyone to live.
10. British guys have charisma.
11. German philosophy books don't get checked out of the library often.
12. You're allowed to walk to the library and go out to dinner at a private school that has strict bedtimes.
13. Girls can go to attempting to kiss you in a library, to not being a fan of PDA in a matter of a few minutes.
14. Private schools have phone operating systems.
15. Great movies often have as many goofs and inaccuracies as bad ones.
16. I notice lots of things in movies that other people don't.
17. Jon Bon Jovi is very popular with the ladies.
18. Tom/Supernatural Guy (the actor) has not aged a day in 9-10 years.
19. 17 year old British boys eat vegetables without their parents asking them.
20. There are absolutely no dress code rules for a Halloween party at a school that otherwise enforcers full uniforms.
21. All they had to eat at the school on Halloween was toasted cheese.
22, British boys listen to rap.
23. A 17 year old boy will take detention as a punishment for another student putting a knife in his bag from a teacher who he knows is having an affair with a student whom he likes.
24.They are allowed to play explicit rap music at a private boarding school.
25. No one uses car alarms on cars that they leave in a parking lot with the keys on the wheel.


There are British born guys named Owen


27. Your dad is a janitor and sees you almost kiss a boy in front of him, but says nothing and doesn't acknowledge your existence.

28. He'll offer you a jacket after a trauma though.

29. Which you will refuse.

30. And of course neither of you look like you know each other in the least bit and will barely acknowledge each other's existence.
