Would make a great TV series...

I was thinking about 'The Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath' as I lay in bed the other night, and it occurred to me what a marvelous TV series it would make. One with a definite ending, though. Imagine the first episode being Randolph Carter dreaming of the marvelous sunset city and contemplating his quest. Episode 2 would be his decent into dreamland. Episode 3 his adventure in the Enchanted Woods, 4 his arrival in Ulthar, 5 a flashback that tells the story of 'The Cats of Ulthar', and so on. It would be really neat to weave the short stories that took place in the world of dream into the mix the way I did with The Cats of Ulthar. When he meets with the priest in Ulthar, tell the story of 'The Other Gods' as a flashback where Barzai the Wise climbs the mountain to see the Gods dance and the fate that awaits him for his intrusion, a nice foreshadowing of the wrath Carter may incur if he pursues his dream quest. When the episode comes around where Carter is kidnapped and taken aboard the black galley with their course being the Basalt Pillars of the West, we could have another flashback that told the story of 'The White Ship'. Later, they could work in the story of 'Celephais' when King Kuranes reflects on the events in the waking world that led to his death and his permanent residence in the dream world. They could even weave in 'The Doom That Came to Sarnath', tying it in with the moonbeast villains of the Dreamquest. The story could easily include flashback episodes that detail 'Pickman's Model' and how Pickman came to dwell in the Underworld as a ghoul, 'The Statement of Randolph Carter' that could be a prelude to Carter's adventure in the Underworld since the Underworld comes closet to connecting with the waking world and could be what lead to his friend Warren's horrible fate in the ancient cemetery, and even 'The Silver Key' as a way of following Carter's life adventure to the end after his dream quest, or is it just the beginning?

I might even be possible to work in the story of 'The Strange High House in the Mist', as I love considering the idea that the Dream World is another very real dimension that humans can only access in the sleep. It coexists with our reality and shares the same Gods such as Azathoth and Nyarlothotep who can interact in all of these places, our real world or Dream Land. I think Lovecraft himself hints at such things with stories like 'At the Mountains of Madness' with is possibly the land of Leng mentioned in the Necronomicon, and even has even taller mountains to the west of it that is hinted at being Kadath in the cold wastes, just like in Dream Land. I love imagining Kadath to exist in the remotes part of our world just as it does in Dream Land. I think so much could be done with the idea.

I think the story is very imaginative and would make a great TV series, live action or animated, in the right hands of course. Adding the short stories would allow it be effectively padded out in an enhancing way.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
