A few things on the miniseries

I did read the book, and I know Christopher's mother was mentioned as another girl in the house, but the show gave me the impression that Sugar was Christopher's mother. Did anyone else think her behavior implied that?

Also, just a casting opinion: Both actresses were great, but I think the casting of Mrs. Fox (Shirley Henderson) and Lady Bridgelow (Elizabeth Berrington) should have been reversed. Neither fit their own description from the book, but they fit the other's. It did annoy me that Mrs. Fox was portrayed as Dr. Curlew's sister rather than his daughter.

The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage. He is in front of it.


Hi unknown soul278,

You mentioned the novel. Sugar was only 19. Her mother started her in the brothel at the age of 13. She was too young to be Christopher's mother and too valuable to have been allowed to give birth to a child.


I know that, but it seemed like the movie was trying to give that impression. Was there ever a mention of Christopher's age?

Sugar was valuable, but in those days having an abortion was much riskier than giving birth.

The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage. He is in front of it.


Hi unknown sou278,

The child actor who played Christopher looked to be about eleven which would have made Sugar eight when she gave birth to him. I felt their connection humanized her but never got a mother/son bond.

At that time in the early 1870s, the mortality rate among women from childbirth was around 50%. Lister was just publishing his data from the Franco-Prussian War and women were still dying from childbirth fever at the hands of doctors who didn't wash their hands. Even as late as the 1880s, many physicians were still not using sterilizing their instruments and passing on disease. An abortion which in the early stages would have probably been done with a drug, was quite a bit safer than birth.


That's why that other woman knowingly mentions pennyroyal, after spying it in Sugar's valise; it's been known for years to promote miscarriage. It was tricky, though: enough to kill the fetus often finished off the mother as well. Or else it didn't work at all.


Hi IsoldeJaneHolland,

There was also tansy and savin. Savin had been used by American midwives since colonial times to bring on a period.


I agree with OP re: Christopher. But I also agree the ages don't work out well.


Hi kimshi42,

The OP noted that Christopher was not her son in the novel. Since Sugar was 19 and was forced into prostitution at 13, Christopher would have had to be aged 6 or younger to be Sugar's child.


Thank you, digital diva. I'm a nurse anesthetist, so medical history has always fascinated me.


I didn't think the miniseries gave the impression the Sugar was Christopher's mother. From the beginning I saw it as more of a sisterly/brotherly relationship.

Interesting that Mrs. Fox was the Dr's daughter in the movie.


Yes. If he wanted an heir mrs bigelow was certainly past her prime!
