These posts.

I hate to rain on your parade(I'll get over it), but people are praising a guy who was a no count hood and even got his own brother killed. All Jackson was some guy who succeeded in becoming a charasmatic leader--in the likes of Jim Jones and Marshall Applewhite, and look what happened to them. And you are forgetting that Jackson is responsible for four deaths: a prison guard he murdered, one guard he personally killed and two more guards who were tortured and killed. You guys make it sound like the sun shined out Jacksons a**hole. It didn't!

Jackson killed four men who were gainfully employed, paid their bills and taxes and probably had families, who to this day still misses them!

Wake up and smell the coffee. You probably would if it was free and someone else paid for it.

"Why don't you have another beer?"-Scott Stevens


Considering the fact that you've actually made mention of Applewhite and Jones in order to complete your point-of-view regarding George speaks volumes. Charisma is one thing, but as far as strategy is concerned, is there a relation? How do you know that George was in some way, shape, or form involved in the Marin County Courthouse incident? Do you know for a fact that he convinced Jonathan to do what he had done? Or are you simply following the opinions others, who don't know one way or another and have simply come to their OWN conclusions no matter how biased?

I, for one, am aware that George was imperfect. But you could at least provide substantial evidence in which will support certain claims regarding certain events.

I have yet to think of a signature. When I finally do, I'll include it.


If I may say, there are NO good guys in this film. When Jackson was describing his revolution, I found he was just as racist as the people he was fighting against.


Honestly, in my opinion, although George was well-written as well as articulate, he lacked in perspective. He honestly believed that he could take down the system with a revolutionary army; in reality, to accomplish that is highly impossible. Also, he had somewhat of a narrow view of the outside world and some of his explanations and ideas were irrational.

I have yet to think of a signature. When I finally do, I'll include it.



Yeah, George Jackson wasn't perfect, but he was no murderer, either. When he was 19 years old, he did rob a gas station of $70.00 (which was a stupid thing to do) but because he has lousy legal representation, somehow he ended up getting sentenced to life for what should have been only a one-year jail sentence. What proof do you have that he supposedly killed these guards? He was accused of their murders, but I can't recall if it was actually proved that he ever did. Do the research,please.
