Not an R.

This got a 12A but the MPAA as per usual can't seem to rise to the same level of maturity. The official reason was, "depiction of strong thematic material", which is blatantly code for "Semi-violent action films are okay, but we really hate abortion."

For the relatively small amount of teens interested in seeing a low key drama with provocative material in it, a PG-13 would encourage them to do so.

"How am I supposed to heal if I can't feel time?"


Honestly, as long as we have the MPAA we're going to be shafted. They're far too one-sided, judgmental, hypocritical, biased..... need I go on?

I enjoyed Spanglish, but that movie was more "inappropriate" (if you will, "sex" scene, and all) than this ever could have been construed as, and it only got a PG-13..... maybe I'm just used to foreign indies, but I don't even bother to look at the rating anymore - it doesn't sink in, it doesn't matter to me (or most of the viewing public).
