MovieChat Forums > Evil Aliens (2006) Discussion > AVOID WATCHING THIS MOVIE!


Normal people, i beg you to avoid watching this movie. It's just a big piece of junk. I Could not stand more then 5 minutes and after doing a few jumps through the movie was really happy that i did not spent extra minute watching this film. Disgusting! To sum everything up: everything sucked including acting, story, effects, crew. Like they say: very low B movie. AVOID AT ALL COST!

P.S. People who says that it's a brilliant movie would defenetly need urgent medical assistance.


I disagree.

I'm a fan of low-budget gory sci-fi/horror comedies and as such this one was hilarious.

Don't forget, Peter Jackson started with movies like this.


musor_na - Shut up you idiot.


I guess someone is missing their sense of black humor.
I thought it was pretty funny.
But too many stolen gags from other horror movies.
Like the flying eyeballs. Love braindead and the evil dead trilogy, and there were too many rippoffs.


Oh, come now -- I think we need to be more respectful of what musor_na has said ... yes, normal people shouldn't watch this film, they'd be better of just staying in their happy little un-reality at the mall.

Perhaps we'd do well to make a list of other great flicks musor_na and the rest of the Mall Clan should avoid... I'll start...

Evil Dead I (trap door in the floor of the house)
Evil Dead II (flying eyeballs)
Army of Darkness (chainsaw)
Bubba Hotep (oh, would that be Bruce Campbell again?)
Shaun Of The Dead
Night of the Creeps
Hard Rock Zombies (is _really_ bad)
Dawn Of The Dead (referenced in Evil Aliens)

Others please...?


Oh, and the Mall Clan should probably also avoid the Cube series (Cube, Cube Zero, and the other one) -- wouldn't want any of the Mall Clan to have to engage their brains ... but then, do zombies have brains?... 'cause they might have to get some brains (mmm, brains -- spicy spicy brains) first to be able to then engage them.


Cube serise should be avoided by all, but don't forget undead.


Man, Cube was great. Even my fiancee' liked it, & she's f'n picky.


Reanimator series


really happy that i did not spent extra minute watching this film



Cannibal Holocaust (erected with stake through mouth)

Braindead (overlooks lawnmower as weapon, ensuing bloodbath)



i did like.. "bet anyone fifty quid it won't start?"


There's black humour and then there is sh*t humour with gore. This is the latter. This film desperately wants to be something like Dog Soldiers or Evil Dead but fails miserably.

A million nods to other movies, infantile sex jokes, children's sit-com style over acting and some fake body parts don't magically make 'Fun B-Movie'.



The movie is brilliant!


I actually havent laughed and been grossed out this much in ages

I loved this film


... because I loved it.


Well with big studios putting out piles of crap that cost $1000,000 a pop its good to see that independent low budget horror is giving us something that no big budget blockbuster possibly could. I loved this movie.


If I stopped watching movies because the first five minutes were unimpressive I'd probably only see about three movies in my lifetime.


It's a comedy horror film with very inspired moments - the wurzels combine Harvester scene was great. Miserable little *beep* whingeing are so boring.


op(Original Poster) aka Opie(Ron Howard as a dumb ass kid) should also avoid such cool movies as dead/alive,the undead,dead and breakfast




Somehow I don't think five minutes of watching is enough to form an oppinion on a movie. I'm really looking forward to watching this, musor na's advice disregarden. But we need to respect that different people have different tastes in movies, this is surely more my taste than musor na's.
Should we help him out with making a list of movies, he's likely to enjoy?
I'll open with recommending:

My other sister


Its supposed to be a B-Movie you dickwit! Wasn't it blatantly obvious that that was what it is an homage to? Don't you have any concept of what schlock-horror is? Or are you just the type of pussy who finds OTT movie gore repulsive, no matter how fake it is?

Go simper over some pile of crap like Garden State, *beep*


Get a sense of humour, it's a comedy. They were going for a b-movie feel.
