I think I understand

I think I understand why people say they hate this movie. Their doing a compare and contrast of the video game and the movie. And compared to the video game the movie didn't do so good. At least thats why I think people are saying they hate it. I myself have never played the video game. I originally wasn't going to see this movie when it came out. In fact I didn't see it till it was released on DVD. When I did watch it I did cause of two things one its a vampire movie, and two Kristanna Loken starred in it. And when I watched it I found it to be pretty darn good. But seeing how I had nothing to compare it to I watched it for the enjoyment and indeed found it enjoyable. While those of you who did have something to compare to nitpicked it to death. And thats why you all don't like it cause you had something to compare it to. It's like reading a book and then seeing the movie based off the book. There will always be differences.

Now the second movie was good just not as good as the first. Which explains why it was a straight to DVD movie. Of course I look at Bloodrayne 2 to be like Highlander 2. A good movie just not that great and will probably end up being ignored when the third movie comes out that will be better then the second one.


It was blatantly obvious to me that the story would have nothing to do with the games, as a fan of the games I knew comparing the two would be stupid in my part. The film itself just sucks.

three generations of symbiotes all in one

Official Member,Team DDBZJFMSRFJ



"I really hope there isn't a third one" consider your hopes crushed.

three generations of symbiotes all in one

Official Member,Team DDBZJFMSRFJ


Explain to me how any part of this movie was enjoyable? I have never even so much as seen the box the BloodRayne comes let alone played it or read about it. But anyone in their right mind would recognize that this is a crap shoot from beginning to end. Very poor script, along with sub-par acting, and poorly designed and executed action sequences. As hard as it is for me to admit I rank Bring It On 3: All Or Nothing above this crap shoot. Uwe Boll has the "crap touch" turnin everything he touches into sh*t.


Actually Kristana did great with the accent, really except for her moaning in pain early on, as it relates to acting she was the best in this film.

three generations of symbiotes all in one

Official Member,Team DDBZJFMSRFJ
