MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > Who is destroying movies more

Who is destroying movies more

Uwe Boll or Michael Bay?


No one destroys movies as good as Boll! ;D and to think i was excited when hearing that Bloodrayne would be made into a movie...

"The only obstacle to happiness is reality"


Well to me personally i loved Michael Bays Transformers adaptation so there's no contest, Uwe Boll is Ed Wood reincarnated.


don't be dissing ed wood.

three generations of symbiotes all in one

Official Member,Team DDBZJFMSRFJ


Nah, good point, you're absolutely right. I can at least respect Ed Wood because he genuinely loved movies, he just didn't have the talent or budget to bring the ideas to life, but at least he tried. Uwe Boll on the other hand...(shudders in disgust)




Though Boll is a worse director, my vote would have to go to Bay.

Boll is so horrible at making movies, but hardly anybody sees them, and those who do see them now only do it either for camp value or because of Boll's word-of-mouth motoriety.

Bay is also a talentless hack who does not know how to hold a camera still or to restrain his urge to hold a shot for any longer than five seconds. The difference between them is that Bay gets a budget and people actually see the crap he produces. Even worse, they actually like his movies, so that gives him more incentive to make movies the way he does

Boll may have less talent, but Bay is a far greater threat to cinema as both an artistic and entertainment medium. Boll makes silly movies; Bay is dangerous.

On a side note, I would totally place Spielberg wannabe Brett Ratner in the Michael Bay camp as well.


Bay is no where near as bad as boll is.

three generations of symbiotes all in one

Official Member,Team DDBZJFMSRFJ


Yeah, Transformers was actually pretty kewl. everything Uwe Boll does just turns out highly balls...

anyway i gotta say Boll

At least he's only shooting the dirty cops.
We're all dirty cops!


uwe boll movie never last two weeks in a theater and uwe boll movies always bomb at the box office

DarkAlessa now the end of day and Iam the Reaper:silent hill


Depends on how you look at it. Boll makes terrible movies on purpose, whereas Bay actually tries to do good with his, and usually falls flat on his face (though I loved Transformers, I can't wait for the sequel).

And I hear this calling
Still you don't seem so far at all
And I hear this calling

