Ask your questions


Sorry for my Englisch.
This is Boll. From now on this ID will be used by iether me or a direct asistent.

I know the 1st 3 games adaptations did not satisfy all gamers.
I know what I did and I like it. I will also make more films.

But after Postal and In the Name of the Knig and more positive reviews I realize that for my next game I need more input.

So, if you can keep it coool, than I'm open to comments on my films.
Also, if you have ideas or request for my new films, ask me.

Alone 2, Tunnel Rats and Far Cry are already in postproduktion, no changes.

But movies that wil start soon and you can have influence on are Bloodrayne 3 and Sabotage.

Halz und beinbruch!!!!!
Dr. Boll.



Yeah it's kinda hard to actually believe you're "Uwe Boll." But whatever, I will ask a question just for the hell of it because we are in a discussion board.

I just want to ask anyone, fans, haters alike: is it necessary to change some elements when you're adapting a game into a movie? I mean, I can see why so many fans of Bloodrayne and Alone In The Dark are kinda pissed. It's not relevant to the game, and it's not being true to the game or the fans. I can understand minor changes and all but when it's a big change, where it's not true to the game that gets some of us gaming fans pissed.

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.


ok... i'll bite. here's some of my observations, not so much question for future game adaptations to films, but if you intend to produce more films without correcting the following then i'm afraid you will continue to receive the same remarks about your films as now.

1. make the props. more convincing. it is soooooo obvious that the swords weren't sharp at all even though in one scene we see the guy sharpening his sword...
2. if you intend to show slow-motion shots of people getting their arms chopped off please make sure the dummy don't look so fake... make it look more human or shoot the scene from the dummy's back, or just don't use it for slow-mo at all!
3. it's fine to have your talents go through a fight scene at a slow pace, afterall, safety and accuracy are very important to creat the thrill of a action scene, however(!!) if they don't look so slow in the actual movie you might get more applause than yawns, such as speeding up the shots a tiny bit during post and those sword fight scenes would look a lot better.

i understand that these seem to be the norms of what the main stream features look like on screen and that you may be trying to distance your works from that line, unfortunately that's exactly what's driving your audiences away...

anyways, i still got another two years of film school to go after this semester so what am i doing here giving a doctor advices about making films... and again, that's just what i'd do to make the film look better.

"I trust everyone. It's the devil inside them I don't trust." - John Bridger


Hello heaty,

Thank you for your questions.

Point 1.
You are absolutely right. If you watch Name of the King, you'll see that we had better props and sets.

Point 2.
I'm afraid you're right, but it's a matter of budget. This is also better in Name of the King and Seed. I hope we can get Seed to be released soon.

Point 3.
Again we worked on this in King. The choreograpjer in Bloodrayne was good, but not worldwide good. In King we had a Hong Kong expert. In Far Cry we tried to make the fights more real, harder and better.

I enjoy answernig questions.
Thank you for yours and I wish you very good luck with your film carreer.



For Blood Rayne 3:
1) star Kristanna Loken again, because she was great
2) make a continuation of the story in Blood Rayne 1 , because the Blood Rayne 2 movie sucked big time : there were no vampires in the Wild West and Billy the Kid was certainly not a vampire.


Hello Alex,

As I told in the PM we're trying to ghet Kristanna back.
Also, part 3 will be set in WWII which is closer to the game.

I hope you're gonna like it.




Wow, no manners. You'll get yours one day spedmunki.

You have no idea what war is like. - Tetsuya aka Casshern.


just for *beep* and giggles.

How in the hell did you manage to screw up having the perfect actress playing the part? She didn't even act anything like the real Bl;oodRayne? For that matter she didn't look much like her either. Even in the promotional pics you see the close resemblance, except Kristanna is slightly taller of course. Why did she need men to do all the work?

three generations of symbiotes all in one
