MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > Why didn't they make this a porno?

Why didn't they make this a porno?

Thi movie has the acting, directing, and storyline of a porno minus the entertainment, plus special evects, minus a decent camera, plus their ability to hold the camera teady (I'll give them that)


God praise Uwe Boll :)

Keaton is Batman. Jack is The Joker. Period.


LMFAO! It probably would have had better acting.


If he did, the only holes that would be in it would be plot holes.

"Boycott Uwe Boll Films" petition



Thats exactly what I was thinking - it had the feel of the porno spoof of "Pirates" - which is available on Limewire by the way.

I Thought Only Kryptonite Could Hurt Superman. Not A Broken Heart.


Wow! my first thought for this movie was that they'd stolen the costumes from some medieval porn remake too!!

If only they had stolen the plot as well. Make that A plot.

The Enemy is tempting you with Cola.


bad acting? Im not saying it was Shakespeare but I think your all being a bit mean. Your saying that world class actors such as Michael Madsen, Udo Kier, Billy Zane, Ben Kingsley (aka Gandhi) all were acting bad in the film? That make so sense. Its a fun genera film. They could have done there roles in there sleep. I think your just all being mean remember its not "Pride & Prejudice" and I dont think its claiming to be other wise.



you are blind if you didn't see the bordom in nearly all the characters except for the walking penis and rayne.

R.I.P Benoit, you will be missed. thanks for the memories.


I liked the movie. But, only because my attention span doesn't go too far. I've really only disliked 3 movies. If it gets a 2/10 or hire from me: that's me liking it. Doesn't exactly mean that those I rate or have rated a 2/10 to 5/10 I ever want to see again but it wasn't so bad I wanted to throw something at the tv. Not like "Gone", "Batman & Robin", and "Hannibal", which I gave all three of those movies a 1/10. Hannibal actually had good acting, it just had no plot. "Gone" had a plot but they stopped using it within the first 5 minutes of the film. And "Batman & Robin", all I got to say is: why?

I say all this because: even though I liked the film (BloodRayne), I gave it a 3/10.

Reasons as to why:

1. The Directing was poor.

There was no substance in Boll's directing. And frankly in all his films there really isn't. At least the one's I've seen, so far. But, he's sort of like Ed Wood - you have to see the next one just to laugh at how bad it rruly is.

2. The Script was poor.

The dialogue was nonsensical, the plot was evident but expected; and quite recycled; and it seemed to drag the perception to places it shouldn't have ventured.

3. The Acting.

You have top actors in a poorly directed film, and a poorly written script. So, they are given what material they have. Could they have done better? Frankly, I do not know. But, their acting was as bad as the script, and the directing.

It was as if watching a movie that you've never seen before, and all the players in it were all new people you've never heard of before, or heard of but never actually seen them in anything and realizing: eh, it's a "B" movie.

That's what I class this movie as: a "B" movie. So, I don't critique as an "A" - and really, it isn't.

'...the ultimate ending is: war itself.'


And Sir Ben Kingsley didn't want to do "Cleaver"?!?


LOL. good one



All actors make a flop at some point in their careers. It's a shame that this one had so many noteworthy actors in it. It definitely won't be the highlight of anyone's career.

on a side note, did anyone else find the sex scene completely awkward and unnecessary?





That would have made the movie a million times more amusing!

Your Favorite Cannibal, Archie Hannibal


It looked like many of the did act in their sleep! Or at least heavily medicated/ drunk so they didn't reflect to much on what they were doing there.

Ben Kingsley was pretty on form there, for a while I actually believed he was dead.

The Enemy is tempting you with Cola.


Pirates? When did that come out?


Petition Signed, under the name "Dimitris Kirkou"

The primary reason i signed was not to complain about the quality of the movies (we have a gigantic heap of extremely bad reviews for that reason), but Uwe's attitude. For him, everybody else is wrong. The distributors (Romar), the critiques (ok, he punished them), the audience (punished too, with bloodrayne II). According to him, he is the only wise guy around, surrounded by fools that can't appreciate the value of the diamond-movies he crafted. Ugh!

Uwe Boll: Number ONE filmmaker, all Khazakhstan!


All I have to say is...

This is rated R for SOME sexuality?! SOME?!?!



They also had I guess this is as close to a porno as it goes

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.


What was the last good movie Kingsley was in? A sound of Thunder? Ghandi?


What was the last good movie Kingsley was in? A sound of Thunder? Ghandi?

Not it was the first bad movie Kingsley was in.
Uwe Boll: Number ONE filmmaker, all Khazakhstan!


Lucky Number Slevin (2006)

House of Sand and Fog (2003)


"This movie has the acting, directing, and storyline of a porno minus the entertainment, plus special evects, minus a decent camera, plus their ability to hold the camera teady (I'll give them that) "--cetunh

That's pretty funny. It does have the look and feel of a porn film. Clearly there is a lot of worship of the human figure in this film with the costumes.

Barack Obama 2008!!!


Caligula has a lot of this too.
And it's not as bashed as this movie.
The sex is not the real issue.
At least for Uwe Boll haters...and I'm not one of them.


"Caligula has a lot of this too.
And it's not as bashed as this movie.
The sex is not the real issue.
At least for Uwe Boll haters...and I'm not one of them. "

Caligula was made in the late seventies. That film was years ahead of it's time. Think about it. Caligula was a x-rated film with hard core sex scenes with top rate production design values and name actors with a literate script. There really is no comparison! BloodRayne has a lot of pleasant eye candy with the medieval costumes and all the fantasy paraphernalia, but it was done already and much better. Consider Excalibur. I'm not saying I didn't like the movie, it just was pretty cliched. Uwe Boll is a good film maker, he wouldn't be able to secure enough financing if he were not. It's just some of his efforts seemed rushed.

Barack Obama For President!!!
