MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > Only One Reason to see this movie.

Only One Reason to see this movie.

The only reason to see this movie is the sex scene with Kristanna Loken. She is extremely hot but cant act worth a damn. Witch explains why she is always in Uwe Boll Films.


It's one of the best comedies ever also, even though it was billed as a horror movie. I couldn't stop laughing my butt off with all that occured there that had no business in a movie.


yeah the fighting scenes are a joke


Only two reasons: Kristanna Loken and Michelle Rodriguez look hot in stylish vampire killing gear, and Loken has a pretty energetic, spontaneous jailhouse shag scene. Besides that, stay at home and rely on the beauty of internet porn. Which is sad, because when you got Ben Kinglsey and Billy Zane in your movie and Meatloaf as a crazy pimpish vampire, and those elements can't do squat to make your movie worth watching, then you know for damn sure done screwed up somewhere.

"Is Anybody there? Does anybody care? Does anybody see what I see?"
--John Adams (1776, musical)


"[she] can't act worth a damn"

Well I think the majority of the actors in this film phoned in their acting performances. Michael Madsen and Ben Kingsley are usually good but in this film you could tell they didn't really care. Poor direction and writing also didn't help. Meat Loaf had the best performance in this movie, like too good for this movie. He was probably just excited to be surrounded by naked women.


It wasn't that bad but the only reason to see this movie is Kristanna looking hot as BloodRayne. She's not a great actress and most of the film was a bit daft but the costume is great though.
