MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > Just watched it and.....

Just watched it and.....

it wasn´t toooooo bad. Maybe because I love gore and Trash Movies and never played the game.
Rayne ist looking +#+#+#+ great and everytime she is on screen I couldn´t look anywhere else ;)
So yes maybe if I would have plaied the Game and build my life on it, i would have been p### of as well.
It doesn´t look like a big Screen Movie, more like a TvMovie on low budget.
But still the Directors Cut keept me entertained for 1h40mins. So herfor and the gore a 4,5 out of 10.
And all this German Uwe Boll is doing "crapmovies talk" is really anoying. Since most of the badest movies of all times are still directed and written by Americans.
So let this German guy find his place.
His Movies are like Art. Nobody understands it, but everybody pays a löt of money to see it ;)

Besides in Postal he was making jokes on his own behalf.

So bring it on Uwe maybe one day the ppl will pay you some credit. ven if you´ll get a lifetime achivment for doing stupid movies your whole life long!


No, it is a bad film and Uwe Bolle should have some sort of UN sanction made to prevent him from making any more.

Lets face it, if it were not for the German government, he would only have been able to make one bad film.
