MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > Moronic scenes in this movie

Moronic scenes in this movie

My favorite moronic scene in this movie is when a I think drunk Micheal Madsen is in jail and in horrible acting form tells the guard his cellmate dissapeared. For some reason the guard has to open the door to inspect the cell and the other guy swings from the ceiling taking the guard out.


My favorite moronic scene is when they show some badly split in half guy getting cut up by a group of men with REALLY bad swords...and yet he's still alive hahaha


the blood mustache because it's in the end.

three generations of symbiotes all in one

Official Member,Team DDBZJFMSRFJ


omg I hate the swords in this movie! they're not even sharp, all the tips look totally rounded to me lmao...


I've seen better prop-swords in movies made in the 40's... And it's not just you, anyone can see that they've just taken a 45x3mm steel bar, sanded it with a powertool and slapped on a grip, no intention of puttin in 2% effort to make it look real, anyone with a few tools could make a better looking sword...

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.


Haha! My friend and myself watched that scene over and over. Never laughed so hard at an unintentionaly(sp?) funny scene. "My companion is missing." :D

"I've allways wondered if there's a god, but now I know. And it's me."


I think the stuntman priest, who falls of the wall, with the denim jeans underneath his robe isn't too bad either :)


Wow, a movie with a lower rating than "I Know Who Killed Me." I didn't think it was possible.


I agree with you that that was a dumb scene.



Billy Zane as Cal from the Titanic but with a bad wig was priceless. That and Meatloaf stumbling around with his blond hack-job. God Almighty!


When Rayne goes to the fortuneteller. Jesus Christ...


The random flashbacks of the people, at the end, getting sliced every which way when I can't remember half those mofo's dyin' that way.


I didn't see the point of Kristanna Loken's character suddenly becoming a vampire hunter after she bit a few humans. I never got that part, did I miss something or was it really supposed to happen like that?

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.

