MovieChat Forums > BloodRayne (2006) Discussion > No longer in the IMDB bottom 100

No longer in the IMDB bottom 100

While I find it inconceivable that there are 100 worse movies than this steaming crapfest, the fact that this no longer appears on the list helps protect the innocent public from discovering it. It makes me wonder if the the bottom 100 should be extended to the bottom 250 at this opens up the competition a bit more.


Well, they have to make room for Boll's new movies, since all of them (besides Postal, I think) got to the bottom 100 list and most likely have intention to stay there.


BloodRayne got some credit for being an unintentional laugh riot, but overall it's still crappy.


Well, the thing is: even if it's not in the Bottom 100 list any longer, a 2.6 is still an extremely low rating, but I see what you mean in that people are far less likely to discover it now that it's no longer there.

User formerly known as Headhunter004.


This is the worst movie. It just is.

It should be number one on the bottom one hundred (although I won't deny that I would recommend it to someone who wants to laugh their ass off).

How it has fallen off that list is shocking to me.



I've seen Postal (and written a review of it here) and it was generally quite good. I've even seen it with other people and they enjoyed it too. IMDB's rating is far too basic and easily tampered with (such as Dark Knight fanboys deliberatly voting down it's opposition in the top 250).Tunnel Rats was a let down, I should get round to writing a review of that sometime.


After finishing in the library and the dining room, Ron and Harry turned the wands upon themselves.


"Most people who use it don't even care about movies to begin with."

Really? Just because I never heard of a couple of directors who have been dead for 20-50 years doesn't mean I don't care about movies. People care about the movies THEY care about. And as long as corporations keep making kid movies to attract fan boys and girls, many of whom fear the sun and can't fathom anything without buttons and a screen on it, they will be here, fouling up your cinematic experience. Sure the boards are loaded with morons and LOLers and people that don't care about the effects their votes can have, but I can not agree with your above statement.

To the OP, I applaud your realization that the innocent public might be spared this appalling film directed by [Who Cares] now that it is off the Bottom 100! You are a truly compassionate person. :D


This is not the worst movie ever made. While it is bad, and generally everyone has a different opinion, I have two words for you...Brown Bunny.

Even an actual blowjob scene with a very legitimate and critically acclaimed actress couldn't keep that steaming pile of garbage from being the worst I've ever seen.


Bloodrayne is a fun movie I enjoyed it

The World Will Look Up And Shout "Save Us!" And I'll Whisper...Why So Serious?!
