MovieChat Forums > MythBusters (2003) Discussion > Instantly Cook Shrimp/Underwater Explosi...

Instantly Cook Shrimp/Underwater Explosion Juice

Show of hands, how many people actually wasn't sure the original shrimp video was fake. Come on, there's got to be at least one person to make it worth testing, right?

Every time they showed a clip of the original exploding juice video they annoyingly put "Copyright KAGOME... blah...blah" at the bottom of the screen. The editors should have put that in the end credits like a normal show. The shrimp video might have been obvious, but at least it wasn't vain.

While these myths might have been fun for Jamie and Adam, as a viewer, so far this is the low point of the season for me.


The shrimp was the same movie ones. We know it was fake but could you actually do it.


Are you suggesting it was possible, therefore it needed to be tested?

Are you raising your hand? 


No. He's saying it hadn't actually been attempted in a real world setting, so that's exactly what they did. How many "myths" in the history of this show were obviously complete bull$hit from the start? A whole hell of a lot, and I don't know the actual numbers on this, but I would guess the majority of all the "myths" they test get busted. Plausibility is basically irrelevant on this show, at least as it pertains to selection.

The idiot formerly known as Heez.


Not me. It was obvious it was fake the first time I saw it. Shrimp fired from some sort of presurized air cannon that not only doesn't flies to pieces, but doesn't lose any noticable degrees of horizontal trajectory, cooks perfectly in a flame in mere fractions of a second, then hit the plate in such a precise and neat fashion -- somebody thought that might be real? It's right about that time the UFO lands and the lizard people emerge telling you Art Bell was right the whole time.

The New Number 2: "Are you going to run?"
Number 6: "Like blazes. First chance I get."


The shrimp thing was obviously fake...And boring.

The juice test was an interesting conclusion, but still made for a boring episode.

I miss the other three clowns. The show seems lonely without them.

They're going to be playing with explosive tonight. Maybe we'll get some excitement.


shrimp thing was lame

juice was kinda neat, the go big thing at the end was just plain stuipd, I was thinking while watching it, they were going to do a ring around the explosion in the small tank, would have made a better shot


Totally Agree - when they showed that 00 episode it looked like cool and fun, oh boy i was so so wrong you could just watch that episode and forget about rest of season.

I am feeling like i am wasting time watching them doing underwater explosions to get some tomato juice etc , to much explosions and they are kind a boring, water tank explosion was cool, those color bombs, etc.

Eh i am actually ok with MytBusters ending cause they are reaching new lows.

Even Adam vidoes on TESTED YouTube channel are better now.

I am only sad because i don't know if there will be so interesting and fun show like Myth-busters were in first season.

And all they show in videos is Jamie and Adam laughing like crazy persons.

Happy for Grant being on Star Trek Continuous
Sad for him promoting McDonald

Myths feeling kinda a boring and some is to obvious to be fakes.

I miss old days when they did relay cool stuff and relay cool Myths....


Show of hands, how many people actually wasn't sure the original shrimp video was fake.

The shrimp landing perfectly on the plate after bouncing off the wall was a dead giveaway it was fake. Of course the split second cooking in the flame was, too. Anyone whose grilled knows you can light an entire piece of raw meat on fire for a second or two and it'll still be raw on the flesh.

When logic and science aren't on your side, you always lose.


And, that's my point. How did something so obviously fake and so impossible to replicate become a "Myth" that needed to be tested, particularly on their final season with precious few episodes remaining. They might as well have dedicated the episode to Ms Johnson's sixth grade class and even that is unfair to sixth graders.

I could see this "Myth" as filler and get green-lighted in any previous season, but not on the last one. And did they really fool anyone with the stay tuned because after the break we ramp it up. Well, ramp it up all you like, it still isn't going to happen. That's like saying, stay tuned as Adam and Jamie further attempt to turn lead into gold.

There had to be something better, something on their myth bucket list. They couldn't have found something a little more important, something a little more Mythie to test on their final season.

What they came up with was impossible cooking and boring juice making. Maybe it would have made for an interesting segment on The Chew, but on MythBusters it was a low point of the season.


That has always been a peeve of mine after the first few seasons.

The 'myths' are chosen based on what the producers think is good television, or what Jamie and Adam want to do...

-U-2 hardest plane to fly? Just an excuse for Adam to fly in a U-2.
-Homer Simpson's body interacting with a building? It's a cartoon!
-Distracted driving myths/hands free myth? Of course it's not as safe.
-Light sabre myths? They're dont exist; not even scientifically possible.
-Can you walk on water? No...
-Can you dodge a bullet? No...
-Building tornado storm chase suits. How was that even a myth?

When logic and science aren't on your side, you always lose.


How about the Indian Jones one and throwing something into the motorcycle wheel. They showed it was clearly fake and how it was actually done, but they tried it anyway. The question is could you do it without having to fake it.


Every time they showed a clip of the original exploding juice video they annoyingly put "Copyright KAGOME... blah...blah" at the bottom of the screen. The editors should have put that in the end credits like a normal show.

Have a feeling that thats the deal that was made in order to use the footage. You see it a lot in news reports.


Why are they calling them shrimp? They are using prawns.
