Nobody Watching.

With myths like the one last night, it's no wonder.

I remember after a new episode there would be dozens of new posts before the show even finished. People would run to the boards during commercial breaks. Now, it's the next day, and less than a half dozen comments including my own.

I read somewhere that internet forums in general are dying. Could that be it? Has anybody else noticed their favorite forums slowing down?


Well people nowadays uses more social media but create less content.

Also no time for such a things because studies / work / other activities . So less discussions and reviews.

Smartphones, tablets are very popular but they are not yet so great for content creation

(As those netbooks from 2007-2013 was - well at-least for office and writing)

Although if i had better spelling i could use that voice reorganization / writing software
. (Still have problems spelling w / v like word, wheat etc)

Also this last season is relay annoying and boring you could watch just that 00 promo episode and forget about rest of this last season ever. It looked so cool and awsemone in 00 episode but oh boy i was so wrong !


I think all TV shows have an arc of popularity and Mythbusters is definitely on the backside downward slope. I have been a big fan, but the quality has definitely gone down over the last few years. It went on far longer than I ever anticipated.


This last one I didn't even make it to the end. It was just a rehash of something that was pointless the first time around.


Yeah my biggest thing is, Where do they get all of this fan information from, They put it out there each show, but no information on how to find it,

I would like to give them a peice of mind on a few myths they blatantly f up with explosives, Explosives are there bread and butter, but it kills some of the myths

and as for the boards being dead, they are on a lot of shows, I would love to discuss a lot of stuff with people but DEAD they are


It's two things affecting the traffic. One most people use Twitter rather than forums now. Two they don't try to bust myths anymore so there is nothing to debate. If you just blow something up, there's nothing to discuss.


yeah well I don't have a cell phone, and don't do twitter ( I do think i have a twitter account ) , Forums have always been the best way to get information


From what I see Forums are going strong for shows that matter but Mythbusters is just running on fumes. One theory I do have though is that there's very little good TV anymore. 60 Minutes isn't even good anymore, they used to be the Gold Standard. HBO Real Sports used to be very good now they rehash most of their stories from yesteryear. There hasn't been any shows that match up to Sopranos or OZ(IMHO), not even close.

There's no Cosby or Cheers. No Friends, Frasier, or Seinfeld. TV shows nowadays barely get up to ALF quality.

Shall we play a game?
