tanker crush question

please don't jump down my throat

would it have made a difference, both with the small-scale tests, and with the ultimate tests, if they'd been at a higher elevation? I'm guessing the SF bench tests were at sea level, or close to it, but I don't know about the full-scale tests....would it at least have changed the length of time it took for the metal to be crushed (when it was)?


The forces on the tank would have been greater at lower altitudes, due to increased atmospheric pressure. The tank would crush sooner at lower altitude.


The full scale crush test was filmed in the high desert in eastern Oregon, where the elevation is over 4000 feet.


The full scale crush was filmed here:

N 45° 51.583' W 119° 39.265'

The elevation was about 295 ft above sea level.



They should have used a trailer, for like carrying milk. Like this... http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-eRiRcOSUtjE/Th0kkqVsTlI/AAAAAAAD8y0/z4-NA7uFzKM/s1600/MILK+TRUCK+FLORIDA+TANKER%252C+Drink+Florida+Fresh+Milk+Tanker+Truck%252CDairy+Farm+Cow+Raw+Milk+Pickup.JPG

The DOT-111/112 train cars are pretty damn tough.

When logic and science aren't on your side, you always lose.
