The Final Episodes

This weekend marks the MythBusters series finale. After having watched every MythBusters episode, including the pilot episodes, I'm going to miss the show. I know some have made the point that the show has run longer than it should have and in some ways I agree. But, we've been through a lot these past 14 years including, but not limited to, good tests, bad tests, the dismantling of the at the time popular Discovery Channel forums by Discovery, the day of the week the show aired playing musical chairs, on-screen crew changes, lame so-called "myths", the reduced amount of new episode repeats during the week, the over use of explosives and so on.

So without any further ado, here's the last three episode descriptions:

2016-03-05 - DSC: The MythBusters Grand Finale This is it. The last ever episode of MythBusters. Prepare to be
blown away by the most epic grand finale in television history!2016-03-05 - DSC: MythBusters: The Reunion All five MythBusters reunite as they pull back the curtain as
never before to give a suitably epic, enlightening and emotional
finale to the best science show on television.2016-03-06 - SCI: Duct Tape: The Return In the MythBusters final season farewell, they build a trebuchet
and attempt to save Buster's life with their favorite mechanical
cure all: Duct Tape.
Placing the Duct Tape: The Return episode on SCI without making it obvious on DSC reminds me of that scene in Dr. Strangelove where Dr. Strangelove says,"Of course, the whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost, if you *keep* it a *secret*! Why didn't you tell the world, EH?"


All five MythBusters

Hey, what about Scottie?


I know, what about Jessi?


Although not directly mentioned and in clip form, both Jessi Combs and Scottie "Mistress of Metal" Chapman made it into the reunion show.

IIRC, they didn't mention Heather Joseph-Witham who was the folklorist on the show in the pilot episodes, all through the first season and part of the second season. Of course, her termination allowed for more flexible "myths" and probably saved the show from early cancellation.

I caught a few minutes of the first pilot afterwards and I don't know what Discovery was thinking trying to fill a 16:9 HD screen with 4:3 SD footage. Discovery tried to make it seem as if HD has been around since the dawn of man when ape, hit ape, in the head with bone. Instead, the picture was cropped and looked horrible.


Although not directly mentioned and in clip form, both Jessi Combs and Scottie "Mistress of Metal" Chapman made it into the reunion show.

I saw them in clips for a few seconds but no mention. Also what about their intern, did they call her a mythtern(?). She was in the show probably more than Jessi. I saw a few seconds of her in the Raise a boat with ping pong balls episode.


That would be "Mythtern" Christine Chamberlain, the Discovery Channel contest winner. The breakdown of the other team members goes something like this:
Christine Chamberlain: 21 episodes
Scottie Chapman: 23 episodes
Jessi Combs: 7 episodes
Jessie Nelson: 56 episodesI don't know how accurate these numbers are, but that's what is suggested. The reason that Jessi Combs has so few episode numbers compared to the others has to do with only appearing on the show while Kari was on maternity leave. Both Christine and Scottie started and ended their regular run at the same time, but Scottie was twice brought in after her departure to assist.


I'm going to miss this show.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


I too am going to miss MythBusters. Looking back over these past 14 years, I can honestly say that overall I've enjoyed watching MythBusters and always looked forward to the next season.

Just a few minutes ago I went into Timers and view the Timer Schedule for MythBusters one last time. The screen said, "No Timers Scheduled". I felt a little uneasy deleting the timer, as if it was just between seasons and not the end of the series. Farewell.
