MovieChat Forums > MythBusters (2003) Discussion > Anybody else get emotional??? Childhood ...

Anybody else get emotional??? Childhood :(

This and junkyard wars was a big part of my childhood. I know I'm a dork for this lol


Same here. I hadn't been watching the show as much in recent years, but I'm sad that it's gone. Had to watch the final season though.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


I came home and watched this immediately coming from a funeral for a close relative. This didn't rate on that scale.

Death to shakeycam directors!


100%. I'm going to miss this show. Nothing else like it.


They always do something interesting. I will really miss this show. Sad!!

I liked the way they sometimes went back and re-did their tests based on viewers' suggestions or criticisms..


Their little reunion with Tory, Grant and Kari actually brought tears out of me. I remember everything they were reminiscing about. What really got me was when they were explaining how this show started right around the same time that YouTube got big and all types of myths were being tested by amateurs online but they actually could do them. I remember the obsession with mentos and diet soda like it was yesterday. I'm going to miss this. Great entertaining and educational show.


Yes this is about the time websites like, and were getting big.


Just wait till you hit 30, but yeah I got a little misty eyed. It's a little weird actually, because you think of it like any series finale, but then you realize that these aren't characters you're saying goodbye to. They're actual people, people most of us have grown to love over the years, and I think that adds a level of emotion that just isn't there with a fictional series. Ok, I'm getting a little misty eyed again.

The idiot formerly known as Heez.


I thought it was a terribly edited episode. It's a shame they had to go out with such a mediocre episode. To be fair the whole season has been very poorly edited for some reason, I guess they rushed it or something, who knows.

The only thing I'll miss, for now at least, is Adam. It would not have been Mythbusters without him and I really doubt they would have made it this far without him. Amazing actor or whatever you want to call him.


I agree that Adam's personality and enthusiasm sparked the show and was the perfect foil for the more serious and "mysterious" Renaissance man Jamie. IMO I suspect the show would have ended sooner if it wasn't for the segments from Kari, Grant, and Tory. Coming up with enough content for a one hour show is hard, and it would have meant even more work for Adam and jamie if it wasn't for the B Team's contribution.


Originally Posted by suebob-28169:
IMO I suspect the show would have ended sooner if it wasn't for the segments from Kari, Grant, and Tory. Coming up with enough content for a one hour show is hard, and it would have meant even more work for Adam and jamie if it wasn't for the B Team's contribution.
OTOH, it could be argued that their segments dried the myth pool quicker. Not that I necessarily agree with that.


i felt the reunion was an after thought for all the tkg fans still wanting them back (i wished they'd been sacked sooner).

the reunion just felt like a poor excuse for a clip show and the celeb endorsements felt forced.

a sad pathetic whimpy end from a show about big booms and science.


Yes, I got pretty choked up. The most recent few seasons may not have had the same charm as the earlier ones (and this one in particular), but this was just about the only show on cable television worth the watch. It's sad to see something that sparked a national fascination with science as something fun and entertaining, come to a close. I'm eager to see what Grant, Kari and Tory are up to.

So long, Mythbusters, and thank you for all the myths. Your show's presence will be sorely missed.


yep. i'm 30 years old this show has been a part of my life for half of it. sure gonna miss em.
