No more Mythbusters after the next season. I'm heartbroken. 😥


It's very disappointing.



I think Kari, Tory and Grant are more than happy to continue with Mythbusters and they should let them take over. At times, it seems like they were on different shows anyway because Jamie and Adam are somewhere else entirely and I rarely see them interact with the other three.


Kari and Tory have a Show in Travel Channel Called "Thrill Factor" Its a Little bit like Mythbusters, Don't know if its still on

but here is a link


Not interested in watching Kari and Tory. And I imagine that with his education and experience, Grant is probably working some fabulous new job.


Last time I saw Grant, he was doing McDonald's commercials.

I'm your Huckleberry.


Last time I saw Grant, he was play Mr Sulu in a Star Trek fan series.


I'm gonna miss having new Mythbusters episodes.


Last two seasons was bad however this one unfortunatly last one is realy realy good, you can watch Adam on TESTED youtube chanel there he does various builds, dresess for comic con, talks about cool stuff, his items etc its great !

I wonder if there will be other so good and fun show like Mythbusters in near future.


I'm going to miss it.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


I FEEL YOU. Same over here in Denmark. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I love Mythbusters, albeit I had some time to get the feel for the show (Pretty many shows, if I have to admit).
But i caught one show, and then I was hooked (Can't remember which one exactly though).

NOW... What I dont' get here... Since MB only runs 2 seasons WITHOUT Kari, Tory and Grant, is why the heck they got cut off, since it's now ending???
My honest opninion? They should've been there until the end. But that's just me though.

When they did this, and they mentioned, they were taking a new directing, why don't MB get to run more than 2 seasons from that?

They should be there until the end imho. What You think? :-)

ELECTRO-HIP-NOTIC-BUMP-MUSIC... Zoot Zilla, PTFI, Dr. Illenstein & New Trinity Revolution... YEAH


Good or bad, the show was able to continue for two more years without them.


They mainly did it, simply because when the show first started, for the first 2 seasons(Well, not fully, but mostly.), it was just Jaime and Adam on the show, so, they decided to make the ending similar as the beginning, where it was mostly around those 2. Granted, I do miss the show, I loved the new shows, they made it worth while, keeping the cable(As in, local company or AT&T, or which ever.) TV & etc. Simply because, I did love seeing Kari & the others, doing similar stuff, that we used to do, when we were kids!(lol) Then, they did the stuff, if we did it, we would of not been able to sit our asses on the chairs, because, our asses would have been whooped really good!(lol) Now, I have been wondering, if I could start up a more technical version, more on electronics and automotive areas, since, I am trained highly in Auto Tech/Auto Machining(I used to build high-end racing engines, as well as create many well known modifications, to help keep the engines to hold together, which, 1 was back in 96'(Didn't show its face until 97', though.), where I came up with the modifications, to the old 63'-64' Buick 215ci engine, modified to be a 350ci engine(Also the old 215ci was bought by the Land Rover company, and is still to this day, used in their vehicles.). The rocker-arm set-up used to explode, after a short time of use, but, I designed a new upgrade, here in the USA, which, those over in Europe/Australia(Where these engines are used mostly, for racing purposes.) caught wind of my design, and copied it, and now, since they have, not 1 of their engines(At least the rocker-arm assembly, anyway.) has exploded! And with this show, I would love to run it, and explain why different parts do what they do, and why they have a shorter or longer life-span, compared to the higher-end pieces, and why in different types of racing, the same engine may get rebuilt 3 times a day(Obviously when being used, not literally each and every day.), versus, where the same engine, with certain modifications, can last years! But, this is just a thought in my mind, I am sure, others have thought about it, as well, or something similar, but, who knows for sure.
