MovieChat Forums > MythBusters (2003) Discussion > Still have issues with the retesting Zom...

Still have issues with the retesting Zombie myth

It's not enough to just test force with the axe, but accuracy as well. Also Jamie could have used two guns (he could have shot those close to him as well as those yet to enter through the fence), and I don't understand why he kept going in so close.

Also wished they tested an actual chainsaw on a head analogue - I suspect 3/4 of a second may be to short, but I dunno.

Yeah I used to love dying, but that speech really turned me around.


Yeah, Adam just swung the ax in the general direction of the "zombie", and they didn't account for getting the ax out of the head. Not really sure how to test that on a large scale. And once again they negated biggest the advantage of a gun which is being able to keep distance, Jamie just got up point blank. I guess this will just be one they're just lazy about.


Yep, they still did not do it correctly. After all these years how can they still not know how to set up proper experiments? They needed to calclate the time needed to pull the axe head out of the skull and make the ax inactive for the amount of time before he could swing again. Also, they need the zombies to attack in the same exact way for both of them. Should of had robots that advance at them from the same points around the circle. Had Hynman stayed in the middle of the circle with the gun there is no way he would lose to the ax. Adam would have to attack and then withdraw the ax and retreat.


They needed to calclate the time needed to pull the axe head out of the skull and make the ax inactive for the amount of time before he could swing again.

very good idea, they had a 'ding' for a kill, should've been followed by another sound indicating its ineffectiveness until the sound stops

also, if zombies were to happen, who'd have an ax like the one Adam fashioned? I mean, I know the whole thing is fantastical ridiculousness, but shouldn't he have at least tried to use a more real-life ax, maybe on this retest? I don't watch zombie movies, but is what Adam built what they use? I'm guessing it's more like a hatchet, much smaller blade (possibly requiring a different amount/level of force - though I give them credit for that test and calibration, that was interesting to see...just wish they'd done it more than once, to get an average), and VERY MUCH SHORTER handle, requiring the zombie-slayer to get much more up-close and personal with said undead, and, I believe, rendering his kill numbers *much* lower
Also, they need the zombies to attack in the same exact way for both of them. Should of had robots that advance at them from the same points around the circle.

agree here, too, too much variable-motion in the different volunteers, *and*, why didn't they do tests with both of them each using both weapons? maybe Adam is just plain better at killing zombies....I can't believe I just typed that sentence....

plus, the result in the first test last night, a difference of one body, was statistically meaningless...again, if they had done multiple tests, with each of them using both weapons, the results would be more accurate and trustworthy

and, while Jamie had a (paint)gun on semi-auto, he also used a pump-action shotgun, having to pump between each shot, what about an AR-15 (rigged to fire only paint balls, of course)? wouldn't that have been better than the weapons he tried last night? the whole thing seems like it was rigged for the guns to fail, no matter what, from Adam not having to wait for ax-removal-time (credit to mepblue), to Jamie's not using a gun's big distance advantage (credit to reanimated838uk), to then bringing in a chainsaw, and making like it was better than both!


they didn't account for getting the ax out of the head. Not really sure how to test that on a large scale.

Get a pig, build a contraption that swings an axe at the pig's head with just enough force to penetrate the skull, then record the time it takes to remove the axe. Repeat thirty times to get an average, then, during the zombie attack, add that time as a pause after every kill.

Has no one in this entire organization ever actually used an axe? One forceful swipe at a tree trunk and that thing is going to take some effort to remove. Even if no one has used an axe, has no one ever seen a zombie movie/tv show? Axes get stuck in zombie skulls all the time.

Considering the special effects careers they came from, this level of moviemaking ignorance is especially embarrassing.


You forgot the last step...

Make a ton of bacon!


Repeat thirty times to get an average

they seem to have forgotten the idea of repeating something to then get an average for pretty much everything they tested in recent eps, even if they don't show them all, you can still do them, and show a montage, or tell us you did it, once does not a 'statistic' make


The only problem I had with it, is that it was a stupid waste of time last year. And it was twice as stupid last night.


I agree, A lot of the stuff they do just does not seem like it apply in real life.

I Use a chainsaw a lot, and for one i can tell you that it would take a lot longer to effectively kill someone with a chain saw, The weight alone is pretty hard to control swinging and attempt to kill someone.
You risk dulling the blade with bones, risk of blade jumping off, and many other things, Its not the most effective weapon to use.

A spear would be more effective, can be made from pretty much anything.


I sold and repaired chainsaws for 15 years at my power equipment shop. There's no doubt you can kill a crapload of people fairly quickly with even a dull saw running at half throttle. I once knew a worker who nearly cut off the side of his face from just a kick-back. But that's not the point. It's fantasy. There are no zombies. Therefore their is no real world science(what the show is supposed to be about).


The only problem I had with it, is that it was a stupid waste of time last year. And it was twice as stupid last night.

additionally, reanimated838uk said, "Also Jamie could have used two guns (he could have shot those close to him as well as those yet to enter through the fence), and I don't understand why he kept going in so close."

mepblue replied "And once again they negated biggest the advantage of a gun which is being able to keep distance, Jamie just got up point blank. I guess this will just be one they're just lazy about."

I think you're missing the subversive actual purpose of these eps, since, as we all know, and was pointed out in this thread and the first time they did this topic, zombies aren't real, so....the point I see to these eps it to discredit guns. Recall how buddy-buddy they are with staunch anti-gun President Obama, and how he 'tasked' them once, who's to say he, when they visited, also asked them to tone-down how cool they've made guns look over the run of their series, and showing them to be less effective than an ax would certainly be one way.


I think you're missing the subversive actual purpose of these eps, since, as we all know, and was pointed out in this thread and the first time they did this topic, zombies aren't real, so....the point I see to these eps it to discredit guns. Recall how buddy-buddy they are with staunch anti-gun President Obama, and how he 'tasked' them once, who's to say he, when they visited, also asked them to tone-down how cool they've made guns look over the run of their series, and showing them to be less effective than an ax would certainly be one way.

I believe you and I are on the same page politically. But I think you are trying to shoe horn politics where there are none. Yes. They're Hollywood Liberals living in San Francisco no doubt about that. They have expressed their love for guns in a taped disclaimer attached to an episode last season. Not as killing machines, but as useful tools and machined works of art. I would hope that handling guns so often, they would realize that they are a perfect example of responsible, productive gun use. It was a very reasonable statement, that actually caught me a little off guard.

And hey. If Obama called me and said he wanted to come visit my shop, I would welcome the opportunity to shake his hand on the front page of the paper. Regardless of my right-leaning poitics. Next to The Builderbergs, the Kotch Brothers, Vlad Putin, the president of China and Mr. Wonderful. He's still the most powerful man in the world.


They have expressed their love for guns in a taped disclaimer attached to an episode last season.

do you remember which ep that was? I'd like to see that, and I don't remember it at all, though this series seems to go out of my memory pretty quickly, especially the most recent seasons


It was the aftershow for "supernatural shooters". About 2 and a half minutes in.
You can find it at the official website.


the point I see to these eps it to discredit guns.

Jesus christ, I'm so sick of you crazy gun nuts seeing anti-gun conspiracies everywhere. The Mythbusters are about as pro-gun as you can get on TV. Idiots like you are ruining the US.


If the chainsaw is the perfect weapon against zombies, then what about a katana? No crank time, no fuel. The only advantage I can see the chainsaw having over it is the lack of tiring force needed to put down a zombie. Even inexperienced, I can't see either Mythbuster being taken down in this scenario.



lso wished they tested an actual chainsaw on a head analogue

yeah, Adam just seemed to have pulled that 3/4 of a second length out of the air


I think my main gripe was with the chainsaw; the narrator referred to it as "the ultimate end of the world weapon." This is far from the truth. There are way too many things that could happen to a chainsaw to make it an extremely poor choice: the blades on the chain can dull; the chain can skip or bind; the blades could get stuck in bone; the chain can rust; the engine requires maintenance; it requires a specific mixture of fuel and oil (simply filling directly from a petrol pump isn't good enough); and, last but not least, the crazy amounts of noise it creates. This is a zombie apocalypse, and as such, you are trying to hide and draw as little attention to yourself as possible... a chainsaw engine running at full tilt splitting heads is not the proper way to hide.

I have no enemies, but am intensely disliked by my friends.


If we could do another test I would start with building like 20 of those skull/ballistic gel constructs. Set each one on a stand at about average human height. Start with the paintball gun and see how long it takes for a person to shoot all of them in the forehead. Miss a shot or be outside of the target zone then they have to shoot again.

Then do it again with the ax, a real one this time. We really need a way to determine a kill shot as they proceed but I suppose requiring a hit with a certain amount of force along a 4 inch wide band going from the forehead to the back of the skill. Hit to the side or miss completely and another swing is needed.

I will bet you that under those controlled conditions the gun will outperform the ax. This way we are properly getting a reading of the time it will take to use the ax. The amount of force is one thing but being on target counts for a lot. The exhaustion the person will experience will make a difference too. By the time they are halfway thru they will be tired and the force and accuracy will diminish.
