MovieChat Forums > Synecdoche, New York (2009) Discussion > and some say Cloud Atlas is hard to foll...

and some say Cloud Atlas is hard to follow

I've seen Syn twice (on TV, we missed it in the theatres). Both times I wondered, WTF is going on? By the end I had this depressing feeling and identified with Caiden. Though I still don't understand the whole arc I feel a "completion" by the end. Like it? I'm not sure, but I am interested to watch it again.


cloud atlas was ok I thought

try watching inland empire, now that was hard to follow


Inland Empire and Synecdoche both share the same surrealistic plot lines (SYN has a little more, let's call it, characters and development than Inland), and I believe that there isn't a right way to follow any of those stories. SYN has a lot to offer, but logic isn't one of them; the third time I watched, I could enjoy the movie proper, and even more the fourth time.

Surrealism is artistic freedom, and should be treated like it.

My top 40 movies, and 5 series -


I agree, I found Inland Empire almost hard to watch at times and having seen syn as well, the caracters are easier to relate to


8 1/2 also is like synecdoche a bit.


It's Inland Empire meets Woody Allen with a touch of von Trier and Paul Auster and something quite its own.


It's Inland Empire meets Woody Allen with a touch of von Trier and Paul Auster and something quite its own.



Cloud Atlas was a walk in the park compared to this.

Its that man again!!
