8 1/2

I was just watching 8 1/2 today and noticed some parallels with this movie. Great line when Guido (the director) is talking about his upcoming movie when someone asks him "are you really going to put that in your movie" and he says I want everything to be in my movie, I want it to be about everything. Made me think of Synecdoche and Caden's desire to create a work of art that encompasses everything on a grand scale, and probably the frustration on realizing this is impossible.


would you recommend 8 1/2? was it as good as people make it out to be?


You have absolutely zero business watching Synechdoche, New York if you haven't seen 8and a half. Actually, if you've seen 8 and a half, then you really don't need to see synechdoche. Its just a bad immitation.


^ Everything that guy said was wrong. Everything.

The comparison between the two is often made. To me 8 1/2 however is very inwardly drawn, mostly into Guido and his life, his aspirations and problems of the world making him unable to complete a work that he may pour his whole self into. Synecdoche is close to the very same thing, although the only string on Caeden's leg is held by his imagination. He''s plagued by health problems similar to Guido, he's also juggling several relationships, not all at once but the theme of several women is prevalent.

Synecdoche also goes a lot further into themes of gender rather than sexuality, while 8 1/2 speaks more of spirituality.

Their two of the most brilliant films ever made and to compare them is a service to neither film, nor yourself. Watching either is a amazing.

To him mercy is passion With me it is good manners.You may judge which motive is more reliable


"To me 8 1/2 however is very inwardly drawn"
Would you really argue Synecdoche New York isn't?
