Song at the end

I just saw this film at SIFF and absolutely loved it! Does anyone know the title of the song at the end of the film? Does a soundtrack exist for this film? I searched on, but came up empty.


We saw it at SIFF and enjoed it greatly as well. My friend recognized the song over the end credits as being Carla Bruni - and she pointed out her "Quelqu'Un M'a Dit" album at Tower Records later in the day. It's a domestic release on V2 Records. Amazon has sound files - check it out and see if you recognize it. I'm going to pick it up myself.


Thanku thanku! I have been looking for this song ever since seeing the movie!



Thank you for the artist name for the end song. Really liked the movie and the cast acting which is sweet and funny. It made me think about myself when she (Muriel) said "Cowardice is the worst flaw in men, after mediocrity".

