Reversible Errors

I need some help please! I recently watched the TV movie, “Reversible Errors” and I heard a great song during the movie. I know Laura Karpman composed the music score but I really would like to know the artists on the soundtrack. I have heard the song in question before, but I have no idea who the singer is (female) nor do I know the name of the song. Can someone help me please?

P.S. the song to which I’m referring was played along toward the end of the movie.


I can't help re: the title of the song in question; however, can you help me? In the first part of the movie, the female lawyer mentioned a Beethoven Trio she was playing in her home when the detective walked in. The title was "Beethoven ______ Trio". I didn't catch the middle name. Did you? Thanks, Lynn


Beethoven - The Archduke Trio


Thanks so much for the Beethoven Trio title!! Lynn


Sorry I can't help. I have looked on the internet for the soundtrack but I guess it doesn't exist. If I find out I will certainly post it here though and I am still looking for the song I heard but can't identify.

Keep on smiling!
