song at the end

does someone know what was the song playing at the very end when..kate, martin and others sitting on the beach..


Flame Trees - originally a Cold Chisel song, this version is performed by local school students in Cabramatta, where the movie is set.


Do you know if it's on the soundtrack? I haven't seen the movie but something about the school choir cover of flame trees really struck me, I'd love to get a copy of it...



thanks for the info. gotta download it.
i love this song, even more than the film itself!


i clipped the song from the video file of the movie!
also downloaded the Sarah Blasko and Cold Chisel versions.
but i like the church chorus one most! check it out! I put it in my blog.


I saw a trailer for that film today and I've had that song in my head all day.


Where can I find that song??!!
I'm Brazilian and the soundtrack cd is not avaliable here,so where can I dowload that beautiful song?With the school coral,'cause I already have the others versions.


I'm not sure where you could pick up that song but I agree, it really got stuck in my head. As a Sydneysider I find that choice of song very interesting. Cold Chisel are regarded as one of our greatest hard rock bands (and that list includes the likes of AC/DC) yet they never made it overseas. Hearing a school choir sing their song is like a young American choir singing a Metallica song. Hard to believe it would happen. It is no suprise they did not include the line "Who needs that sentimental bullsh#t anyway". I guess the choice of song is part of the whole storyline...innocent people affected by where they grow up. These kids, if brought up in an affluent area, would be singing something harmless and shallow by Savage Garden or Robbie Williams but instead are singing a hard-rock anthem for the working class.

I loved the song and the movie.


Me too.
I love that final scene!


itunes has it


As a Sydneysider I find that choice of song very interesting. Cold Chisel are regarded as one of our greatest hard rock bands (and that list includes the likes of AC/DC) yet they never made it overseas.
why "interesting", i assume you mean pleasantly surprised.

i mean the lyrics were pretty much spot on with Tracey's predicament.

it really moved me.

These kids, if brought up in an affluent area, would be singing something harmless and shallow by Savage Garden or Robbie Williams but instead are singing a hard-rock anthem for the working class.
a moot point wouldn't you say - if they were brought up that way, it's not likely they'd be in such a situation...

as for not making it overseas, yeah 'tis a pity - the world got INXS instead !!

He was going for the Tim-Tams
FOOTBALL is *entertainment* - NOT a "results business".


The Chior version of the song is avaiable as a download on Itunes exclusively. Search Flame Trees and Sacred Heart School.
