Why LBWs?

I was wondering... why is the film entitled 'Look Both Ways'?
Is there significance there? A message that ties into the title?


*Possible Spoilers*

It's a perfect title. Not many movie titles seem to capture what a film is about quite as well.

Since the film is about life and death (and how we deal or try to cope with these things), I think the story is saying we need to look forward and look back. For example, Nick is dealing with his diagnosed cancer and what it may mean for him and in doing so is forced to look back at his father's death.

The story is about, amongst other things, a train accident. As children we (at least in Australia) are taught to look both ways when crossing roads and railway tracks.

What did you think?


Good points.
The title could also possibly signify the two ways in which all the characters are looking. Meryl has to look forward and back all the time. They can laugh or they can cry (Andy and Meryl choose to laugh) and they can look at those less fortunate (as Meryl quite often does as a coping mechanism)


Yes I agree, the obvious literal level (train death) and the deeper metaphorical levels of LBW.


Just watched this this morning.

The obvious meaning of LOOK BOTH WAYS is: Before you cross the street, you better look both ways because you could get hit by a car, run over by a train, etc.

The more subtle meaning: "Look both ways" before you leap into anything new/challenging/etc. like Nick falling for Meryl after he's been diagnosed with testicular cancer, etc.


Look both Ways is referring to the way you perceive differently depending on relative to whom. Everybody has different perceptions for different situations.

Do not speak- unless it improves on silence.
