Special Features?


I have the region 2 DVD of this film. Apparently it has a making of featurette, original theatrical trailer and Miles Feilder film notes.

I can't find any of them? On the DVD menu I can only see four options, Play Movie, Scene Selection, A Short Film By Sarah Watts and Set Up.

Set up contains three separate audio tracks, but no trailers or interviews.

So am I going blind or something? The case for the region 2 DVD of Batman Returns lists a directors commentary, but this was removed and they forgot to change the packaging. Did something like that happen here?


Can you describe the cover? According to Amazon.uk there are two region 2 releases, one in 2005 and another in 2006.

The 2005 release has the director's interview, short film, trailer, scene selection and film notes. The 2006 release doesn't say.

So maybe you aren't going blind.


The cover looks like it is made up of 20 different photographs, Nick taking a photograph and Meryl in the rain.

I'm pretty sure it's the 2006 edition, because I preordered it and it arrived a few days ago.
But the back cover does promise me a making of and trailer.


Sounds like the 2006 region 2 edition cover. I don't know what you can do except to contact the company that sold it to you and find out why.

I've got the Region 4 version. One of them anyway. I've just noticed that there has been another region 4 release with lots of other extra features.


I have a 2006 version with 2 DVDs and on mine it says it is an all regions edition. It has a lot of extra features, including commentary with Sarah Watt, William McInnes, Justine Clarke and Barbara Masel; Sarah Watt interview; interview about how the animation was done; a couple of other animation films Sarah Watt has done and lots of other extra things as well.
The DVD is available at http://www.gpstore.co.nz/DVDs/1520117.html


yeah i also had this problem. it's annoying because i really want to see the making of feature. i thought maybe it's a hidden bonus feature where something pops up and you have to click then but i've not seen anything. grr. the only extra feature i can find is the animated short film.
