cause of death

Do we ever learn exactly how Susan (the girl) was murdered?

The only mark I recall seeing on her body was the damage caused by Stewart's fishing line. More symbolism, maybe? The only ones who "wounded" her were the fishermen themselves?

I would appreciate any and all thoughts on this.

Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for Wales?


I thought I saw what looked like a stab mark on her chest. She had bruises which they attributed to a possible sexual assault and she may have been beaten. They didn’t really dwell too much on the cause of death because I think this movie wanted to focus on what happened after her death.

I liked what you said about the symbolism in Stewart’s fishing line. I remember when his wife went to see the body, the female detective showed her what he had done. WE all knew Stewart did it to keep the body in one place, but I almost detected a hint of disgust on the Detective’s part, almost as if she thought there were other motives for him doing that.

The wire had cut down to the bone, so I think there was this perception again that these guys didn’t care about this girl, she was just some dead body in the way of their fishing. Maybe the point was treating this girl like an inconviance was suppose to point out these guys did more to her than the actual killer did.

When the hurly-burly's done. When the battle's lost and won.
