A film about nothing

The premise of this film .......the central event was that 4 guys who
were on a fishing trip would continue fishing for days after finding the dead body of a girl.
This is cobblers. It wouldnt happened.These were grown up mature family people
and they just would not have done that ! So from there on the film was unrealistic tosh !

making the whole central theme of the film totally unreal .

It was slow...........So slooooooooooooooooow !

When it ended I thought about pulling my own head off....what a waste of time.
Self indulgent rubbish !


Agreed. Total waste of my time. Luckily I could fast forward it



I hate judging people, I really do. But sometimes, just sometimes, I want to kidnap people like you and put them in front of a TV screen that shows only FAST movies with BIG EXPLOSIONS and TITTIES. And then I want to leave'em shackled there till their eyes bleed. Eventually I'm hoping they will understand movies are not about killing time with a few laughs and spine-tingling. I'm hoping they will understand how empty those movies are, how forgetful.

And then, maybe - just maybe, they will understand what they are missing by rejecting to give their attention to those movies which they call " Slow ". That movies are not something you " consume " like cereals in a breakfast. That they are little things with great power and wield an ability to open up two hours into lifetimes of insight.

Unfortunately for you guys, those " insights " do not occur during explosions and fast moving cars. So have some patience, have some commitment. Have some faith.

End of rant. And yeah, I know how condescending I sound but I just couldn't have kept it inside any longer.


Havoac, grow up. This movie was painfully slow, like as in i wanted to jump out the window in my english room at school. I hate when u watch gay movies in school lol. But back on topic, i love a wide range of movies, comedy, action, thriller, a few horror movies, and yes i like some "slow" movies. Like The Green Mile, it's an extremely good movie, the Shawshank Redemption is also very good, so is Shindler's List and others like that, but Jindabyne was a complete non-event, a nothing-story, a let down, a waste of money to film. Too slow, unrealistic and worst of all it ruined an already horrible short story.
Also, fast-paced action movies are not "forgetful", just look at James Bond, The Terminator, Lord Of The Rings, etc. Those movies are not easily forgotten.

'You are the worst pirate I've ever heard of'
'but you have heard of me'


I absolutely agree with activator and Gladiator18. This is just a *beep* film. Nothing to do with not enough action being contained in the film as Havoc supposes. Just highly implausible plot! (See my forthcoming review)


U pipples is fascist pimps! The glory of idiocy reigns in you lives and lineoleum is too good for ye. But I agree that this is one, lousy, dull flick.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


I raged at this movie. Everybody is so annoying...
