MovieChat Forums > Jindabyne (2006) Discussion > I hated the ending.......SPOILE R

I hated the ending.......SPOILE R

By that I mean the ceremony not the last scene at the rocks. It, at least, had dramatic dignity.

It was like: "here we are, we're all sorry for being sh**s for leaving the body of your relative in the water but now we'll just pop over to your grieving period and place so you can forgive us so we can feel good about ourselves again."

Maybe I just didn't want these characters to feel good for being sub-human. I didn't get the sense that their being there was out of respect, especially as they'd dragged along the kids and the grandmother.


I just saw this film, and I agree with your assessment of the ending. Way too neat, way too tidy, way too Hollywoodish.


That's one way to look at it. Another is to acknowledge that the person who discovered the body showed up, apologised and demonstrated respect for your loved one. Susan's family were angry about her loss. They focused on the wrong target. It happens when the loss is new.

Remember that the fishermen discovered Susan's body. Without their actions no one would never have known what happened to her. She would have gone to the music festival and never returned. It would have been a painful mystery that would have haunted them all their lives if her body had gone down the rapids.

Here in the US we're usually grateful to those who find our missing loved ones. It's upsetting that they're deceased, but we're grateful to know what happened to them. It's what we call 'closure.' If we get a body back to bury, we consider ourselves fortunate. Even if it's skeletonized remains, it's something to bury or cremate.

'Or not.'
