MovieChat Forums > The Fallen Discussion > ok there with the 15+ 10 star positive c...

ok there with the 15+ 10 star positive comments

Anyone else notice that pretty much all the comments that are overly positive are written by users who haven't ever written another comment?

I'm sick of the directors/actors/friends/people that have something to do with the movie writing comments on here. People read these to see what the average person thought of this movie, not to have it advertised to them for 2 pages long.

Movies that are a billion times better than this one have less "glowing" reviews posted. AND they have 7+ scores.

I don't even bother reading people's comments anymore unless they've written more than 10. And I rate down the ones that are so completely obviously biased.

PS. In the event that its a marketing firm that's hired to "promote" the movie online, well, you guys suck at it. You're completely terrible and obvious. I hate you.

This movie sucked.


Dear madsic

Did you actually watch this film? Yes I agree with you that the comments are overly "glowing". As far as the rating of the film, there are over 103 votes for the film. 22 voted 1 "sucks" and about 81 voted "very good" to excellent---

What does that mean to you? Have you seen the film, and if you are so upset about the glowing reviews why dont you write your own review and give it your own rating?


thats not the point

glowing reviews are fine, I have nothing against them.
What bothers me is 15 or so overly positive "reviews" written by users who have only written that 1 review.

its pretty obvious whats going on here.


I dont know what to say to that except that i believe these folks are reviewing this film and no other. If you think these people were put up to it by some "marketing campaign" or strategy to promote the movie--you are probably wrong. The movie is getting very good reviews all over. Check the NY Times, NY Post, Time out, NY Magazine reviews. They are all full of praise.



Dude no offence but you obviously dont know all the ins and out of imdb life. Its a common fact on here that some of the lesser known movies get false rating increases by people registering under different names to boost up the overall review scores. If you dont find it odd that there are 15 people that gave very similar outstanding reviews which also happen to be the only movies ever reviewed by them then you need to wake up and smell the coffee. It is very obvious that someone invovled with this film is increasing this films review scores on this site and if you need to ask your self why someone would do that then you are even more lost than I originally suspected you were. This is the single most popular Movie review site on the entire web. A movies overall score on this site can greatly increase or decrease interest in that particular film.

Again this is not something new and has been done many times in the past. Its all too easy to create new accounts for raising up a movies review scores. A child could do it, its not rocket science. You just have to be smart enough to see through the BS which the person who started this thread obviuosly was. Dont belive everything you read on this site plain and simple.


You know what i notice more about the people who attack your film and others.The studios pay vast amount of money doing just that,hiring students ot do that and spread word on cmaaus, yet small indie films and their companies that want to support there own film get shot at it for it.I also note that IMDB now seems to not tally some votes .When asked why voting ratings for some indie movies chage for no reaosn ye tthe amoutn of votes dont which happended recently to several films on IMDB,all indemdpent ones..IMDB now suddenyl state that.''öh maybe current users who had already changed thier votes"ANother words IMDB can sit in the office and change the votes if they want to. Prevouisly IMDB told the world it was one vote per computer as the IP addresses are logged !So this madsic and other trols like him hav eno understadning Does anyone ever question what the studios are doing or the fact that iMDB is in fact owned by which is in fact towned by the studios.Everyone like Madsic who attacks the recviewrs of this site nad toher small indie films on IMDB shoudl eb putin thier lackeys wh shold get alife and go out andmake thier own films.



I actually got in touch with the imdb-crew to ask them if they could promote a movie I "represented" with false ratings etc. I actually had a few emails back and forward with this sales-rep, but when I started hinting about the above he never answered me back, and I was pretty vague about it. Though, @Adbusters was my email at the time, so that might have had some effect. Anyway, I thought the whole thing was pretty reassuring at the time, but considering the ownership of IMDB now, I think this should be researched further.

btw. great movie, I voted 8, because I know that Imdb value 6-7-8 "higher" (meaning more value to) than 10´s because of statistical reasons.


Those people are PAID by the PR firm that manages the movie/DVD's release.
And i bet it works a lot. If you are new to the web, new to reading movie
reviews, or not overly cynical, nor overly intelligent, you'll get fooled
a few times at the very least. There are many more of us (normal, unpaid,
honest ppl) than them (paid data corruptors), but they work at this for
longer hours and are more motivated to tarnish the information.

Its pretty funny how transparent their false reviews are too:
sometimes they actually use pr terms like "target audience" and
conspicuously plant messages like "i'd pay for this movie"
"i'd get the DVD." or, laboriously go through each demographic
and recite how it appeals to each (males, females, young people, etc).
as if a real movie review would ever do any of that *beep*

My absolute favorite line is when the review intones, chants, screams
"Dont believe the critics!" Ie, if its a bomb, they know you're going to
see a huge amount of bad reviews, so they're trying to innoculate you to
the truth, by claiming the critics are too high-brow/elitist/[fill-in]
to appreciate this "wonderful" film.

Hopefully, these creatures of the night who write false shill reviews
will, upon death, be thrown back to that circle of hell whence they were
spawned, and be forced to watch, over and over and over, the very movies
that they falsely vouched for.


Dear Skat and nooo13 and gotmyorangecrush-

I find it remarkable that you guys will go around and "rate down" a film just because there are too many "positive" comments for the film. What's even more remarkable that you give it a 1, 2 and say that it sucks--but you dont even watch this film. Did it ever occur to you that YOU are the reason why this film only has 5 star rating and not 8 or 9?????? Folks who put the film down with 1's have much more weight than the folks who put 10's in. Have a look. There are 21 1's and 52 10's. ...but the overall average is 5. Yes, you have succeeded in making a wonderful film look mediocre --without even looking at it. Then you go about preaching to everyone how marketing people are inflating the numbers to promote their films.

I will buy anyone of you lunch at a decent restaurant if you come back on this site and give me your 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 after you have watched the film--and prove it by describing one scene in detail!


as far as I'm concerned they didn't rate the "movie" down, they rated the fake reviews a "no this review wasn't helpful". Everyone should start doing that.

Anyways, even with 10k votes I predict this movie will be a 4 or a 5. Don't try to put the blame of the movie having a mediocre score on us. We're just pointing out that the "reviews" were written not by honest people telling us what they thought but by people like you; people who have something to do with the movie.

after checking that post you wrote, I just realized something, all this time, we were actually talking with the person who's in charge of hyping this movie on the internet. Must of taken you quite a while to register all those names and write all those reviews. Too bad you got caught.


Dear Madsic

I am glad that you think I'm the one who's been "hired" to hype this movie and "write" all those reviews.

I am flattered.

I wish that I could tell you that I am personally responsible for writing all those glowing reviews and that I made up a dozen or more "email" names/addresses or whatever, and that I am responsible for the 70 or so high ratings on this film. You seem to like to believe what you want and nothing I say will stop you...

So fine. Be that person. Believe that I have that power. Because guess what???? The truth doesnt matter to you--only you will believe that what you want to believe.

Keep rating the movie down if you want to...the fact that we are having this discussion is only going to heat up more interest in the movie...and whether you like the movie or not--more people will buy it or rent it--just to see what all the fuss is about.

And in the too will see the movie---

I cant stop you....



Howdy. I'm the producer on this film.
Here is the truth on the matter:
We never ASKED anybody to write ANY reviews for this film here.
There was NEVER a PR department told to do this, there was NO organized effort to write reviews, nothing of the sort ever happened. Never.
Why? Because it's dishonest, and it would backfire. Just like this.
As a matter of fact, ironically enough, I had a conversation with the director about JUST this matter only a week ago, I was afraid this would happen.
Know this: you are right, but you are wrong. Are some of these reviews obviously pretty bogus? Yep. Did we, the filmmakers, EVER ask anybody to do such a thing. NOPE. It's well-intentioned friends and family and crew and whoever THINKING they are being helpful. Some of them are perfectly sincere, too, in their praise, but you can see SOME are laying it on mighty thick.
Like you, I can see through that in a second, and I don't want those reviews here.
They are done, though, and it looks like there is nothing I can do about it.

"Must of taken you quite a while to register all those names and write all those reviews. Too bad you got caught."
I don't blame you for ASSUMING that, as that is SOP for films here nowadays, but that did not happen here.

Keep in mind that only SOME of the positive reviews are by "friends of the production", the rest are sincere, and for every positive review that might be a shill, there are two or three that are just people messing with our heads and registering a "1" just for kicks.

I understand you are angry, I can see why, but you have the real story above, you can chose to beleive it or not.
But...don't say the film sucked if you did not see it, just out of spite. That lowers you down to the level of Sony or somebody paying college kids to bombard the site with great reviews of Ishtar II.
If I HAD hired a PR company or person to do this, I would be MIGHTY pissed off that they did such a bad job of it!
You go make a film, chances are YOUR Mom, well-meaning, will write you a nice review, too!
Best of luck, and go see the film. It's in Hilton Head this week, Chicago next, or you can get it thorough Netflix or most major video outlets.



People get angry when they feel they are being deceived, I can't blame anyone!

It's not like there is not some TRUTH to what masdic was saying...some people WERE obvious shills...I mean, you can see their name on the crew list, and then they post a review using their [email protected]! Not particularly clever! No real malice intended by them, but be SURE there was no organized effort, the few that are like that, well, they stick out like sore thumbs, and it was just a few people trying to help.
Belive me...if we were doing an organized effort to pump up the ratings, we'd do a MUCH better job about it, it would be slick as snail snot, and we wouldn't be HAVING this conversation at all...why, you'd be on a plane to Chicago to see the next screening, because our PR efforts would have been sooooo damn good!

Alas, such is not the case! We CERTAINLY have no budget to do anything with PR, if someone wants to write out a check so we can bomb IMDB with bogus ratings, just drop me a private message, I'm all ears!

I don't know who it is who keeps dropping the "1" ratings on us, I do wish they would stop. It does not mean much, but it's kind of hurtful, kind of a kick in the ass, every time we see one, because we put so much time and effort(ten years) into this film, and you KNOW those ratings are just someone being pointlessly spiteful for no real reason. I don't think ANYONE who actually saw the film would ever give it a "1". Not one single soul (and thousands have seen it) has said they actively disliked it like that. So I wish whoever did that would stop.

I will admit ONE known shilling, officially sanctioned:
I myself gave the film a ten! Hey, I only got one vote, might as well use it! Naturally, this was a totally unbiased opinion, I was being completely objective!


curtismattikow, thank you for standing up for yourself. I'm sorry if I negatively affected your movie in any way.

I have an immense amount of respect for you after reading your post. There isn't a lot of producers/directors that would have the balls to write the post you just did. I didn't like "The Fallen" much, but I will go out of my way to check out your future movies.

Best of luck in your future endeavors,




I just thought Skat's post was very well written, really cracked me up, and was spot-on. I give it a "9"!


yes, the most hypocritical thing about this thread is the people that rate down the movie and the positive reviews without even having watched the movie.

no, I'm not part of a conspiracy to rate up this movie, i haven't watched it, I haven't commented or voted on it.


I can't believe someone would get angered by a faulty movie rating dilema. If this issue is enough to get you wired enough to "hate," you need to open your eyes. First off, unless you know somethig I don't, you have no way of saying that the site owners aren't biest muchless the voters.

I need to see more people get angered about notice the whole "late night TV" bull*hit where there's a 60 minute half a$$ comedy show thats whole purpose is to keep people's interest until they can bring out the main actor of a movie thats coming up to make a commercial in between commercials.

Then the increasing ammount of corperate advertisements in movies. If i had a 1$ for every unnecessary scene where a companies logo is blotched on the side of some truck or billboard I'd not only be a rich man, but spend a few million to get a chance to backhand the person responsible for the whole thing. Oh, and "it helps fund the movie" is all bs.
Terminator 3 didn't make enough money that they had to jack-knife a truch with XENEDRINE planted on the side for a huge bonus check?

If there's any producers, actors, anyone in hollywood listening... we see the crap you throw our way and still pay $8 to see it. How about giving us some quality without stapling the extra 10 page script addon.

there was a day I felt bad for the rich and famous actors, but the way the whole film industry has turned around to be all about profit and not quality, I'll just have to major in extra sharp camera's with 100x zoom to hit back where it hurts. paparazzi, i support you.


1. this movie is horrible. war is no game and italians were no pupits. they slaughtered a lot in africa, slowene, croatia,...
2. it tries to be funny in parts but what it produces is "cmon, what is this ?!"
i mean, what were those girls ? pathetic...
3. the story, if any cant be seen. we jump around in time and place with no coherent link. we have a german spy but he is quickly gone. the lonely german tank, the mafia group, the american tank, the german oficer and italians under ground eatin chicken ?!
watch some Kusturica insteed this failure or a german propaganda movie of those days. cos this is a shame.

btw, sorry my german ;)


this movie was good, i had some sad feelings for the germans at the end




Why are you people rating a movie and posting on a message board for a movie you have never seen? I can't figure out if you are a bunch of trolls or if you are really that pathetic. I just finished watching the movie and thought it was great. It reminded me a little bit of Downfall, but I am sort of biased since I am a big fan of WWII movies anyhow.

Whether you are trolls or really just knocking movies out of some weird paranoia, GROW UP! This wasn't a bad movie at all.

When you masturbate, cover yourself with aluminum foil. God can't see through aluminum foil.


A agree, most people who criticize this movie, have been raised by a steadily
formulated hollywood diat. Leaving them practically brainwashed without sensitivities for diffrent angles of moviemaking and a total loss of reality.
I voted a ten for this movie, I'm an old man, and I have been a soldier.
This movie comes closer to reality than most hollywood productions about WW2.
Too bad it does not follow any formula.


No, to all your points.

I like war movies, but I don't like Hollywood standards a la John Wayne Lone Hero stuff - it simply doesn't cut it. I prefer nitty gritty reality before anything, which is why I think films like A Brdge too far or Hamburger Hill stand head and shoulder above much that is done.

And this film is not about real combat - its a very shattered exposition about three sides in a war, and in such short time the film has, it can't swallow it all. You have the American side, check. You have the Germans, check. You have the Italians, check. You have the mafia boss, check. Come on, its too much!

Personally I find it very unlikely that a person who got his leg amputated to stand up and fight on; the very same person who later catches a bullet between his eyes and stand up long enough for us to see it. A bullet in the head means 'drop dead'.

Real? No way.

Top 5: Jaws, Shrek, Fucling Åmål. Add more if I find any top movies


The answer could be "Adrenaline" mixed with fanatism, or in my Grandfathers case
the sheer will of survival. My Grandfather was wounded in the battle of Schlusselburg (Lake Ladoga)in the winter of 1941/42, shot in the chest, his lung penetrated. Unrelenting russian attacks, no retreat possible. The choice was to die standing and hopefully get a merciful bullet, rather than being stabbed by a Bayonnet. At this battle,neither side took prisoners, and the soldiers on both side knew it. Only by accident did someone hope to be taken alive. The battle for the "Tenniselbow" was merciless. No quarter was given,
and no mercy expected. The casualties where about 200 000 german soldiers killed
in a period of just 6 month. The russian casualties where more sketchy, but they could be up to 800 000 in the Leningrad (today St.Petersburg) sector.
I believe the human body is capable to go to extremes, that civilised people
of today can not imagine. Fatalism was a common property in russian and german soldiers at that time. That doesn't mean that every soldier felt that way, I just like to note, that you have to allow more complexity to the equation.
Watch the movies "Zvesda" , "They fought for their Motherland", Chelovek Voinj", "Die Abenteuer des Werner Holt" or "Ich war 19".
Most of them are available with english subtitles.
That is, if you want to look beyond your anglosaxon horizon.


Better than "Swindler's List" for sure.

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
