MovieChat Forums > The Fallen Discussion > You either love it or hate it

You either love it or hate it

Im convinced when people are watching this movie , one person sees something completely the opposite to another. I absolutely loved this movie, I really did, I think I "got" it, and not in a snobby film buff sense but more in a way that I chose to ignore its faults because thats not what the film was about. Whereas people that hated it chose to ignore the bits I loved about it.

However in fairness to people that hate this movie,I sort of notice what they see that would make them hate it. I have friends whose film tastes I respect who detest this movie. Its like I cant see what theyre seeing LOL.

My point to the haters is:

Dont compare this to some of the famous war movies out there winning Oscars and have top quality battle scenes, props, and settings, you know the ones we all know and love. This film is all about character building, its about being behind the lines and normal life at war, small talk, taking the piss out of each other, being bored, etc.

It will make you laugh at points ,


but I think all these casual moments add to the horror of their ultimate death, and its this characteristic of the movie that I loved.


I love it.

While the way the fighting scenes presented on the screen is a bit ... clumsy, I enjoy watching the characters. My favorite one is the interaction between Lt. Gunther and Rossini, especially during the dear scene.


I thought it was ok.

What really killed it for me more than anything is the sound. I'm a big stickler for sound, and it is terrible in parts of the movie. A lot of the dialogue sounded like it was obviously rerecorded in studio.


I enjoyed the film a great deal, really liked some of the characters and felt empathy and sympathy with some particularly the last scene where the German Liutenenant (think that was his rank) is almost certain of his impending fate yet still fights to the very end.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. I found it played like a made-for-TV film - flat, drab and artificial. 3/10.




All three versions (Letters from the Dead, The Fallen, Last Letters from Monta Rosa) of this film has's so sad.
