MovieChat Forums > Dark Water (2005) Discussion > Dahlia's wedding ring?

Dahlia's wedding ring?

I noticed that Dahlia is still wearing her wedding ring on her left ring finger. Why would she do this if the separation was so bitter? Was it a subtle sign that she was subconsciously not ready to move on with her life?

I've never been good with subtle underlying symbolism in movies like this. Anyone care to offer up an opinion?

Thank yas.


i noticed that too and surprised that she was wearing a ring.


Yes,me too!I don't think she wore was because she was still in love with her husband,it seemed more like she did as habit or it helped her feel secure in a strange way.Or maybe she didn't want to be bothered by other men.
"People in these towns are sleeping.We wake them up!"Carnivale


Another possibility is because she wants to appear married for safety reasons or to keep men at a distance. She may not be ready to date or get asked on a date and a wedding ring may help deter men.


if you paid close attention in the last scene in the elevator she didn't have it on anymore! Now what do you have to say?


Um, she's dead so she doesn't need it as a deterrent to unwanted company anymore?


If it was mainly for "safety reasons", it would be kind of lame for a movie (though pertinent in real life) and it would ruin the metaphorical interpretation that the ring represents the constant despair she is feeling since childhood and the intolerable burden of her harsh past.

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