MovieChat Forums > Viva la Bam (2003) Discussion > Why does he treat his parents like crap ...

Why does he treat his parents like crap ?

I don't understand. Maybe they didn't raise him properly.




It's a show. I highly doubt he's like that in real life. His parents must have dropped on their knees and praised Jesus when it finally ended! LOL I get the feeling that Bam's "personna" is completely exaggerated for entertainment purposes, and he is actually a normal (in his own abnormal way) in real life. Come on NO girl would marry a guy who acted like that 24/7. LOL


Come on NO girl would marry a guy who acted like that 24/7.

I dont know, look at the girl that married him.

And he treats his parents like crap because he's an ungrateful, spoiled little bitch. He's a bully. And just like most bullies, the second you retaliate, he's crying like a little girl. There is NOTHING likable about him. He's a class A douchebag, and if I met him, Id probably get the overwhelming urge to kick him in the balls.

John 15:13


I've met Bam a couple of times and he's pretty much how he is on the show. When I've hung out with him he's been known to drop-kick Novak and be pretty much how he appears on the show. He is a really nice guy though, and is always really nice to his fans.



And, he does the stuff to his family/parents, and he pays them to take the abuse.

For instance, in the episode "Viva La Brazil" (beginning of season 5), Bam sloshes Vito in the face with a drink. According to Vito, he got paid $200 (or $250?) by Bam for that. This was as per the commentary by the cast.

Joker's Wilde

RIP Victoria "Tori" Stafford (2000-2009)


I don't really think he treats his parents like crap, its more just that nature of their relationship. I have meet lots of kids who were more friends with their parents then they were their parents kid...if you get what I'm trying to say.

The relationship I've had with my parents has been very traditional, but there are more and more kids who are more relaxed around their parents and more casual with their manners. Bam isn't a douche to his parents he just treats them the exact same way he treats his best friend, which happens to be rougher than the traditional parent-child relation.

Obviously his parents could never get too upset as I'm sure he's paying them well, and probably supporting them beyond that. Not too mention his shenanigans probably aren't to focused on his parents when the cameras off.

From everything I've seen/heard Bam is a nice guy and a class act to his fans, I don't understand why he would be like that toward strangers but not his parents so he probably isn't.
