Fears and biggest secret?

Does anybody remember the episode where they play this game where they each put their biggest fear in a hat and they had to guess who's fear was who's? When they did, I don't think they got any of them right, but then in the end, you find out who's fear was who's, because they each had to face it.

Well, who's fear was who's?

And does anyone else remember the other episode where the girls reveal their biggest secrets on this camera, but then the MnMs get hold of the tape and almost reveal it to the whole school?

What were each of their secrets again?

Thanks a bunch, if you DO know. My little sister loves this show and I can't help but watch it either =P... seeing as we're getting the free preview for a while now.

Swing heil!


kenny; heights
rosie ; sharks
lynz; bats
fliss ; cant rememer sorry
frankie; blood [i think]
hope this is a help sorry i cant rememer flisses


Frankie: blood
Rosie: sharks
Fliss: public humillation
Kenny: heights
Lyndz: bats

and their secrets:

Frankie: still have her baby mantle
Rosie: talks to her mother
Fliss: i can't remember, sorry xD
Kenny: supported Arsenal once
Lyndz: can't remember neither

Love isn't about finding someone to live with. It's about finding someone you can't live without.


I think Fliss's was she has this fantasy of her and that guy she liked getting married and having kids and stuff.


I think Lyndz was that she use to take baths with Michael when they were little.
