Please no more DV

If you want people to watch a freaking movie, at least use Super16MM or HDCAM unless you are a Danny Boyle whose cinematographer did a remarkable job with the DV stuff in 28 Weeks.

You want to use DV, go ahead and submit a taped shortened version of it as a treatment for a real movie. Kind of like an audition. Or it should go direct to video and be a tv movie. Frank Lustig got nominated for his work on this movie at some German awards. What a joke. Unless the IFC print of this is so bad, I do not understand the nomination for Lustig.

The DV look for this movie was particularly horrible. With a movie this leisurely paced, the least we would need is an interesting visual that would keep us engrossed.

I am 40 min and so far all I see is massive bloat that doesn't qualify even as good slice of life realism. People playing their roles with restraint doesn't necessarily mean engrossing realism.

I am hoping the movie gets better as I move along. I see some comparison to House of Sand and Fog. That's a movie kept me interested from the beginning.


Fascinating. Next!
