Not Realistic

OK, so this woman flies to America to find her uncle and wanders around gangland without a scratch then claims she can't afford a place of her own, yet she can afford a high-end iBook to use AIM on at night (AIM? LOL!).
Not to mention her uncle driving all around La La Land in a van just to stalk middle eastern citizens who purchase Borax and no one notices his bizarre actions?
Puh-lease. This movie is garbage.
I think the screenplay writer is more loony than her uncle is.

"You can't kill the boogeyman!"
- Tommy Doyle


It's laughable, so bad it's the art house version of camp, You could watch this as a comedy


well this move came out around 2004, right? Also the iBook is not a "high end" laptop at all ... it is a solid 'low end', but not so low as to break down often (or at all). The high end is the Power Book or Mac Book Pro or Alien Ware or maybe even a Dell Lattitude... depending on what you do.

I find you criticism lacking and not very realistic or relevent.
