Worst Resi game?

I know most people on this board like this game and thats fair enough but IMO this game was the worst Resident Evil i have ever played, the already dodgy controls are made worse(having to reoad weapons and open doors manually, changing items while zombies can still attack you). The A.I is dreadful all they seem to do is run around picking up items that you could probably put to better use, they get in the way, worry you for help all the time then don't help you when you need it your self. I haven't got that far yet but there seems to be no story to speak of other than racoon citys been taken over by zombies (and we all know how that ends). None of the characters have anything to do with the big plot and quite frankly are ether annoying or boring. The subtitles don't match whats being said on screen ( a minor point but its distracting). I am not that far into it but so far it seems i am killing the same three zombies over and over again just to have them respawn and come back for more. It all seems like a half arsed attempt to make a more action orientated Resident Evil game but its like capcom have mixed it up and made the game fast paced and more action orientated but left the controls and puzzles more suited for the earlier games. Personally i found it practially unplayable it was so clumbsy but thats just my opinion, i just wondered if anyone one agree's with me or can tell me why they actually like this game.



play it online and you will change your mind, and i liked that you play as ordinary people trying to survive the outbreak, why should it add to the "big plot" if we know what the "big plot" already is through resident evil 2 and 3? and unlike re4, outbreak was able to add lots of action without taking the whole survival horror aspect out of it.


Dodgy/clumsy controls??/ Are you sure you're talking about the same game? The controls in OB are FAR superior to any previous RE game. And the real-time reloading just makes the game that much more realistic. Like you can really press a 'pause' button in real-life to reload or change a weapon or take a med.

My DVDs http://squid-vicious.dvdaf.com/owned?rc=1


Nope, Survior is still the worst RE title.

I own the night!


Yeah Survivor was disappointing! I thought Outbreak was good as it is different to the other games.

You've got a crazy look in your eye... and it's really starting to freak me out.


Yeah, Gun Survivor 1 and 2 were pretty poor - and Gaiden... MEH!!



Gun Survivor 2 is FPS Code Veronica...I think you're talking about Dead Aim aka Gun Survivor 4


The Outbreak series was pretty awful, and I love RE. The same 3 zombie models really bothered me too, that reaked of laziness. The 8 characters were boring/uninteresting, I didn't care if any of them survived. The snenarios were not well designed, players forced along one route {like a rat forced through a maze}. No real story so there was nothing to hold the game together.

They eat their victims, you understand that, Mr. Berman? that's what keeps them going



Have you played Survivor or Dead Aim? Those are absolute abominations. Compared to them, Outbreak is perfect. But I think Outbreak is the best spin-off series (which includes this, Chronicles and Survivor series). It's the most like the original games, but the loading times are a constant annoyance.

Luther, just shoot that *beep*
