MovieChat Forums > My Summer of Love (2005) Discussion > How old were they supposed to be?

How old were they supposed to be?

Although I don't think they could've found better actresses for Mona (Nathalie Press) and Tasmin (Emily Blunt); the choices sort of confused me as to their approximate ages. The fact that they were drinking and a smoking throughout the entire movie sort of confused me as well.

They both definitely appeared older than they were, and the characters seemed to act that way. But the the beauty of this film is that there are subtle hints as to the fact that they are still just high school girls/children, looking to appease their boredom. (Well, more so Tasmin whereas we see that Mona in a lot of ways, it still ignorant like a child.)

But, since Tasmin was of boarding school age and they were about the same age... what would you say? Sixteen, seventeen?


As far as I can remember there are no definitive hints on their age in the book either. However, there is some consensus that the girls in the film are supposed to be 16 or 17. Both about the same age, although Tamsin appears to be older or at least more experienced. Mona could also pass as a 15 years old. The book definitely describes them as very young.

The actors were much older than their characters. Blunt was 18 and Press was somewhat around 25. (her true age is somewhat of a secret) They still had great performances as young girls. Especially Press always looks a lot younger than she actually is.

Drinking and smoking is nothing extraordinary for 15 year old working class children in Yorkshire I assume. Is not different here in Austria. And Tamsin simply has good access to alcohol and fags...

"All in all the house is very creepy - so you gotta stay with me! Come on!"


Emily Blunt was 21 when she did this movie.


True. My mistake. She was born in 82 as far as I can remember. Somehow I thought 86... Sorry.

"All in all the house is very creepy - so you gotta stay with me! Come on!"


Yeah you're right, I am the same age as Emily (about a month older!) so the movie was done in 2004 when she and I were 21. It's great seeing her play a 17 year old though and she does it so well!


Yes she was born in 1983 so she was 21 when she did this movie in 2004.
