MovieChat Forums > My Summer of Love (2005) Discussion > Badlands and My Summer of Love

Badlands and My Summer of Love

Did anyone else think that Pawel Pawlikowski might have been influenced by Terence Malick’s Badlands? Mona reminded me a lot of Sissy Spacek’s character Holly, not just in terms of her appearance but the way she would softly mumble and look up at her love shyly. The way the beautiful scenery was filmed in relation to the lovers also instantly reminded me of Badlands. Might by over interpreting here, but the power-play in the relationships between Mona/Tamsin and Holly/Kit, i.e. one being completely besotted and in thrall to the other who plays on and exploits that fact, is another comparable aspect. Did anyone else get the comparison? To all who’ve seen My Summer of Love and haven’t seen Badlands, I strongly recommend you do! See if you can find what I did!

"I'm not from around here Sir, I can't be an example" - Wendy, Wendy and Lucy


I watched the film last night and the woman that plays Mona reminded me of Sissy Spacek, and now you've mentioned Badlands, that's probably why!
