That explains it...

It seems that nearly every lesbian love story ends tragically: Lost & Delirious, Boys Don'tr Cry, Willow and Tara on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Its a strong enough pattern that I had misgivings going into the end of this movie. Only to be surprised when the heroin leaves Tamsin in the creek soaking wet and alive (and obviosuly her living as well). Its almost to scratch one's head. and then I come on this board and the first post I read says that they weren't really Lesbians. Huh? they were just rebelling against men? okay. that, I suppose, would explain the difference.

Even if the main character was actually gay and would go on to have lesbian relationships it could be argued that Tamsin(Emily Blunt) was probably faking it (part of the big role play) and feeding off the heroin's attraction to her. I can deduce then that if they shared true feelings for each other, one of them at the end, would have commited suicide or been murdered by the other, or get murdered by a gang of bigotted males (perhapos the Paddy Considine character would be involved if the latter).

But wait a minute you say, what about Kissing Jessica Stein? Nobody gets killed at the end of that one. Again, not really a lesbian in that movie. Or Imagine Me & You with Lena Headey and Piper Perabo? Two definite lesbians in that one and nobody died there! If you go to the IMDb trivia entry for Imagine Me & You you'll see it was originally written for a heterosexual romanctic couple. It was a fluke.



Indeed. And Mona will come out of it a lot less naive.


There are other lesbian movies where they end up together lol. Try D.E.B.S. or But I'm a Cheerleader. Both of those are probably an acquired taste though. There are more than just those two but they're the first that come to mind (and Imagine Me & You but you already mentioned that).


I was thinking the exact same thing as I watched this movie. I have noticed that trend in the movies I have watched about female, same-sex romantic relationships. So I was expecting somebody to die. I thought maybe the brother would snap or Tamsin would go off the deep end and kill herself cause she was the one that was really anorexic (BTW I saw through her game from the get go).

The whole, are they lesbians or aren't they is an interesting debate. People have a need to categorize, put people into little boxes based on a set of stereotypes. The film speaks to the fluidity of sexuality as it can change. I think the more important than defining their sexuality is looking at the power dynamics of their relationship.

Personally, I think Mona cared a great deal for Tamsin or else she wouldn't have tried to kill her in a fit of rage. Tamsin on the other hand, I am not so sure about. Tamsin was overly eager when the brother was around so I don't know what her real intentions were besides having something to do during the summer. Crazy biotch.


Don't get disheartened by Lost & Delirious, or The Children's Hour(very dreadful tragic ending, though not necessarily a lesbian movie, but about a closeted lesbian), or Aimee & Jaguar(even based on a true story happened during WWII).

Imagine Me & You is a little too happy to be true. That should be drama, but anyways.

Saving Face ended well! It's a beautiful movie, funny and sexy. If you enjoyed KJS(which I loved immensely, and sorta obsessed with before I watched MSOL), you are gonna like Saving Face.

Maidchens in Uniform from the 30's ended well as well. That's a classic! Also F UCKING Amal, very nice film. We are talking about top-notch films!!! Bound is a wonderful mainstream neo-noir.

There's also a Gus Van Sant flop which I hated with the passion of a thousand burning suns(actually 200 suns less than Kissing Annabelle) that ended happily.

I have to mention that Boys Don't Cry belongs to queer cinema, though the ending sequence before the deadly disaster, was very lesbian-ish and ambiguous. lols.

I don't intend to be offensive, but I have to defend my opinions.
