Films Recommendations.

I watched this movie mostly because I had nothing else to watch on a boring day. But what a wonderful surprise it was. The film is both powerful and subtle, and I think that's what I like about films like this.

I've watched a number of similar films, and I want more.
I don't know about you, but I think this film is in the same league (cinematographically speaking) as:

Lost in Translation
Love Sick (Legaturi Bolnavicioase)
Simpathy for Lady Vengeance
Broken Flowers
American Beauty

Now, I loved all those movies, and I'd like to know if there is any other movie that has the same tone, and rythmn as these and My Summer of Love. (horrible title by the way, at first I thought it was going to be like... But I'm a Cheerleader or something...)

Thanks in advance.


I would tend to say that LOST IN TRANSLATION is way below MSOL. Do not know much about the other films. To me it is one of the all-time most overrated film.

MSOL's cinematics are great indeed. The DP did a great job and the actors really pulled the close-ups off.

In general I would avoid English films if you are looking for similar movies. English cinema has a different tone and feel. Although MSOL was shot in England it is not "English" at all.

I would recommend Australian and contemporary French films. Also Eastern European cinema is pretty similar.

Some recommendations: IN MY FATHER'S DEN

All great films and maybe not that well known.

"All in all the house is very creepy - so you gotta stay with me! Come on!"


I'd recommend The Virgin Suicides if you liked this...also Thirteen =)


As someone mentioned above, The Page Turner was good (I personally hated Summersault though).

If you have no problem with subtitles, I'd recommend:

Aimee and Jaguar
Lovers of the Arctic Circle
Time to Leave
All Things Fair
The Hairdresser's Husband
Black Book
Lust Caution
Brief Crossing
Fat Girl
36 fillette
Betty Blue
The Dreamers
Swimming Pool
The Woman Next Door
Like Water for Chocolate
Bread and Tulips
He Loves Me He Loves Me Not
Love Me If You Dare
You'll Get Over It

There's probably a bunch more I'm forgetting, but if you can get your hands on any of those I think you'll enjoy them.

"Action is how men express romance on film." -- Kurt Wimmer


I would say The Dreamers and Stealing Beauty.


"The film is both powerful and subtle, and I think that's what I like about films like this."

I know exactly what you mean and I love those kind of movies too. The rhythm is slow and subtle, like you said, but the emotion is strong.

I recommend to you:

Heavenly Creatures
Garden State
The Hours
Bin-jip (3-Iron)
In the mood for love
An angel at my table
Conversations with Other Women
Om gud vill
Night on earth
The man who cried
Young Adam
Darjeeling Limited
My Blueberry Nights

Hope you enjoy some of these! :)


How about Mulholland Dr. (2001)





I haven't seen this post in a while, but believe me, I've seen a lot of the movies listed here.

Aimee and Jaguar: Liked it.
Lovers of the Arctic Circle: I refuse to see that one. (personal reasons)
The Dreamers: Loved it.
Malena: Beautiful movie. Loved it.
Stealing Beauty: Bertolucci rocks. Loved this one.
Heavenly Creatures: I saw this one before the first post. Loved it.
Garden State: Same as Heavenly Creatures.
Darjeeling Limited: Loved it. Great movies from the director of this one.
My Blueberry Nights: Not quite what I was looking for, but liked it anyway.
Mullholland Drive: Great cinematography, crazy Lynch as always.

I haven't seen the rest because I haven't found them yet, but I'm looking forward to see them.

Thanks so much for the suggestions. And if anyone would like to add some more, it'd be great.

Hope as well that someone else finds this post useful.
