This movie sucked.

It wanted to be Clerks so bad, it's wang was hard.


How did you see it 7 days before its release? I think we're more like Empire Records.


Its been so long I saw Empire Records I can hardly remember it.

But I have to confess that I thought of Clerks too a couple of times when I saw this movie. But imho it was a lot different from Clerks in more then one way. More then enough to encourage people who have seen Clerks to still go see this one. Especially if u liked Clerks.

"Define 'interesting'..." [deadpan] "Oh God, oh God, we're all going to die?"


I love Kevin's work and it is the highest compliment when people compare Kisses And Caroms to his stuff, thanks for that.

I do think Kisses And Caroms has many things that make it different from Clerks, but my opinion doesn't count ;-) I do appreciate you recognizing that tho.


Saying it sucked is a little over the top. My totally honest opinion: The best actor in the movie was the unemployed guy. (he seemed the most naturalistic). There were a number of shots that went on too long. Some of the wipes and dissolves were a little lame. There were many scenes where there was just too much dead air between the lines of dialogue. The kind of movie that this seems to be striving to be, has bang bang bang bang dialogue, just one zinger after another.

I have to admit, I groaned at the ViewAskewniverse references. One would've been enough, shrug.

The best shot in the movie was the one with David behind the counter and Tara playing pool. The biggest laugh I got in the flick was the shot of him grabbing the green chalk with the naked guy standing there. Very funny. The part where Zack scratches his junk and then smells his hand...also very funny. (real stuff that people do, that never ends up in a film, like the hot chick picking her nose=pure gold).

The first 10 minutes you could compress into about 5 minutes, you can dive into the characters a lot faster.

Honestly, it seemed padded at 80minutes.

Now all that crap said: I admire you for writing to your assets, getting auditions, getting some actors who have worked elsewhere, getting the thing shot, cut and produced, and getting the distribution deal. You did some amazing things. You've acheived a lot more than 99% of us!

The DVX footage was for the most part okay, but there were certain shots (like the cutaways of the dog in the beginning) that didn't match the other shot. Pretty good utilization of the DVX though.

The Helium short was also pretty dang funny.

Anyway, I remember reading a lot about this on Indieclub and just wanted to give my .02 in a more complete way than "this rules" or "this sucks"

It's lots of fun to walk into Hollywood Video and see K&K or Mike Conway's War of the Planets on the racks.


> Saying it sucked is a little over the top.
I agree.

> The best actor in the movie was the unemployed guy.
Tom Ayers is a gem, I love the man.

> Some of the wipes and dissolves were a little lame.
All were put in to cover mistakes. I should have done a featurette showing the before and afters of why the wipes were needed. Maybe on the 100th anniversery edition!!

> I groaned at the ViewAskewniverse references. One would've been enough, shrug.
There were only 3! I'm happy with them, as I never went to any kind of film school and Kevin was a huge inspiration and help. I can't thank him enough.

> The best shot in the movie was the one with David behind the counter and Tara playing pool.
That shot was the brillance of our DP Alfonso Aguilar.

> Honestly, it seemed padded at 80minutes.
It is. It was the first thing I ever wrote and the first thing I ever made. We did it in 5 days and at the end there just wasn't enough. It would be a lot tighter at 70 minutes but then it wouldn't be sellable and I doubt it would have gotten the attention of Warner Brothers.

> The DVX footage was for the most part okay...
Nothing was color corrected other then a pass with Final Cut. We didn't have the budget.

> The Helium short was also pretty dang funny.
Again the brillance of Tom Ayers.



No prob Vince...I'm looking forward to your next effort.



"I do think Kisses And Caroms has many things that make it different from Clerks, but my opinion doesn't count ;-) I do appreciate you recognizing that tho."

The fact that it wasn't the least bit funny did kind of make it different from Clerks... and yeah, your opinion doesn't count.


People can be passionate about movies, and after 3 board posts, you seem to be on fire over mine. I'm sorry my little movie with Naked Guys and Little People didn't get you to laugh. I'm sorry I've somehow tainted your beloved Clerks. In the end remember that the guy who made Clerks liked Kisses And Caroms. Many of his friends did too. If you hated my flick so much why didn't you just shut it off?

>> "and yeah, your opinion doesn't count."
Why do you have to write that? Everyone's opinion counts, I'm here, I'm listening. Which is more then most filmmakers do.


Making a good movie doesn't really say anything about someone's taste in movies. HOW you managed to pass that off as a "movie" just baffles me, which leads me to this "Everyone's opinion counts, I'm here, I'm listening. Which is more then most filmmakers do." I wouldn't call you a film maker. Before you go and try and point out that I'm no film maker either, I'm no film maker, but I am a movie goer and I know what I like... or dislike. And I didn't shut your movie off for all the same reasons I slow down when I see a car wreck or some drunken idiot being arrested: It's always fun to laugh at some jackasses expense, which is pretty much what I'm doing now.
