America, Book, etc.

I just saw the trailer for this movie a few moments ago and I am very interested in learning more and seeing this movie! Only problem...I am in America. I have never heard of this film (or the story) until now. This xenophobic country wouldn't permit anything like that into it's borders. (I must say it is quite the blessing if you live in Europe, you aren't missing ANYTHING over here) What I ask is this: Will the movie be premiering in the States? It wouldn't suprise me if it did, but no one saw it or it was only a NY/LA premiere. I saw in another post the book was translated into English. What is the best translation? My final, and most important question is should I see the movie first, read the book first or doesn't it matter? I am big on details and such and I have a feeling the book would be a better go, initially, but give me your opinion. Thanks to all!



I've never read any of the translations, only the original in Dutch but I searched on Amazon and I found as the english translation of the book.
So far, I only know that the movie is released in the Netherlands and in Belgium. I doubt it will be released in many other countries since the book is not famous in the states. I think your best shot would be ordering the dvd.

Personally I don't think the movie does the book justice. The book is one of the best I've ever read and they changed A LOT in the movie. For me, I have some very sentimental values of the book that I read when I was just a little boy and the movie simply does not live up to the book. The movie is much more censored because it is a film for children. The book is also for children but it does not hesitate to describe the horrors of the crusade and the many deaths.
I think it would be best to see the movie first and then the book because the movie in itself is not bad, but personally I always get dissapointed if they make a movie that is not true to the book.
The book was written in the 70's and the author died in 2004 so she couldn't see the making of the movie.


The original book is considered classic in the Dutch children's literature. I completely agree with Kaileron; i consider this work one of the finest written children novels.

However, I have read the book in English and was very disappointed with the quality of the translation. Many times it appears to me that the translator just didn't bother with finding the equivalent word or expression and simply took the first word that was in the dictionary. I believe that is the main reason why the book has remained virtually unknown in the U.S. (where i have lived myself btw.)

Among the many differences that were also mentioned in other threads on this forum: the books deals in much more and richer detail with the characters and the massiveness of the children's army. 8.000 children are a lot of mouths to feed and require a lot of organization for instance. The movie touches very little if any, on that given. Not to mention the few clashes on their way ... ;))


Stekkinger is quite right, I've made a topic about the pro's and con's of the movie which also includes some of the differences between movie and book.


First watch the film, Then read the book. The book is so incredibly genious that reading it before seeing the film would ruin that experience.
Also the translation to the book is not as good as it should be, so you might be a bit dissappointed.

All in all the book is prefect. I really reccomend you read (and promote) it...
