whats this?


"God will never give you anything you can't handle, so don't stress."


I just watched the trailer for it.
It's a disney documentry (???????) "About the kinds of people that make up the heart & soul of America".
It seems to really play on a 'patriotic' angle, about how great America is because of the diversity of its people ect ect...

Oh well. Watch the trailer and form your own opinion.



My question, is this in responce to Michael Moore's new movie?


"My question, is this in responce to Michael Moore's new movie? "

Yep. Most Likely. It's gonna be a bomb, though.


No....Schwartzberg had been shooting this film for a couple of years, I believe.

Moore's film is an attack on the nation's leadership, while Heart and Soul is about a cross section of America's citizens. It's really not a political film at all.


Stephen Boatright, what's your involvement in this film?


No involvement....I saw it (most of it, anyway) at a pre-release screening about a month ago.

My comments weren't a defense of the film....just an explanation of what I saw when I watched it.


Perhaps it was begun several years ago, but Disney is currently marketing it as the anti-"Fahrenheit 9/11", going so far as to team up with Move America Forward -- a group that was founded specifically to pressure theatres not to show "F 9/11" -- to promote the film. The press release for their premiere party calls "F 9/11" "negative" and featured the founders of MAF co-hosting the event with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

The founders of MAF were also part of the drive to get former California governor Gray Davis recalled and were the heads of the effort to pressure CBS to drop their Ronald Reagan mini-series basically on the grounds that it didn't portray him as a saint.

Not political? Hardly. Nothing is without politics these days, least of all this sorry film.



I actually agree with Moore for the most part, but that doesn't mean there aren't some good things in America worth pointing out.

If you're putting together a little slideshow for your family reunion, do you focus on uncle Carl who's doing time for 2nd degree murder? Probably not. You want to keep it light.

I will say this...to take an extreme, radical position, whether for or against the current administration, requires no thought, and is therefore intellectually lazy.


Yep, it's official now......Disney has finally become involved in the election of 2004. I guess Jeb though it was a great idea of Michael Moore to do some promotion in a movie format,and since Disney already admitted to have dropped Mr Moore due to Mr Jeb's political pressure, why not go all the way and have them work for you.....
America, America, where everybody is happy and gay (oops, can't say that anymore unless you're a democrat). Guess our Iraqi friends will love this movie, enjoying the great future their nation is heading for. Yeah right !


What are you talking about? This movie is not political. It celebrates the greatness of America. Why is that political? Why is this movie considered a mirror image of F-9/11? It is just about how wonderful the country we live in really is. It that the "Right's response to F-9/11"? If so, everyone should move to the right.

Are you admitting that Michael Moore's film really is un-American? Is that why Disney should have carried both F-9/11 and America's Heart and Soul? One is anti-American and one is pro-American?

If so, I agree. Which movie would you like to see most? If you said F-9/11 then...you might be a commie. Yes, a communist/socialist that doesn't like America being great. Yeah, the conservatives are insidious...celebrating America's greatness is outlandish and horrible!!!

Also, Michael Moore did not have Disney's backing BEFORE he even made the film. Why? Because Disney did not want to distribute a political movie (even one as plagued with uncontested lies and half-truths as F-9/11 is). They typically stay away from political movies...why wouldn't they? Again, why would ANYONE actually believe that America's Heart and Soul is political just because it celebrates the greatness of living in this country?


To say that the governor of FLORIDA had an HUGE impact on a studio in CALIFORNIA is nothing but ill-informed, ignorant tripe. Please, check yourself before you come across loking like a Hitler Youth brainbwashee who just knows enough propaganda to be dangerous to the simple minded. Plus, even IF Disney is using this as a political schpiel, that doesn't change the film itself. We should all know by know that marketing has become 99% spin and 0% substance. And just becasue you are pissed off that your girlfriend dumped you for another 10th grader who plays sports instead of spending all day on his computer and your parents "suck" because they won't let you leave your laundry on the floor doesn't mean you have a right to complain about the state of the country. Please, I have no respect for anyone who can't level with the other side. You say Mel was a conspiracy theorist? Shoot.
*This applies to many of you, not just Peter-5000.


I am the smart, you are the dumb. Ooh, look, muffins!


"I have no respect for anyone who can't level with the other side."

So how about they show this and F911 with a brief intermission in between and let everyone decide which one is best.


OR we could feed people apples, then oranges with little white cups, then make them choose...

I am the smart, you are the dumb. Ooh, look, muffins!


Yeah with strawberries and cream with some danish on the side... now your talking!


I shudder to think. I guess it's not the usual diatribe on how society is it's own problem maker.


So let me get this straight. It's ok for Moore to show his anti-American propaganda diatribe and we all should support it and believe it as gospel and it should get an Academy Awards. However when someone wants to make a film that showcases what's positive in America that's just pap it should bomb. The terrorists don't need to defeat us, we are doing a good job of it on our own.



Can we say hypocracy here? None of you on the left are complaining that MoveOn.org supports Michael Moores drivel. You liberals are all for demanding your first Amendment rights unless it interferes with your socialist agenda. I thought you guys were the tolerant bunch? So much for free speech. yechh.
