Ignorant Questions

Well, I saw the stuff on the Scifi site, but I don't have cable (gasp!) so I haven't been able to actually see the show.
I just had one question for those who have;

Looking at the bios they seem kinda like sell-outs. I'm not trying to bash anyone, but I see all this stuff on how they have bestselling books and are on radio and this and that and it seems like they're putting themselves on this show for fame and money than anything else. So my questions was, how do they act on the show? Do they seem "genuine" or is it more of a gimmick for any of them?


The only ones that I can say are TRUELY genuine would have to be the Modern Primative Art because the tattoos and piercings are real and on tonight's episode he had large hooks inserted into his skin and then hung by them from rope suspended a few feet about the ground. THe other one I'd say is real is Avacodo the Naturist because he eats the natural organic food... mostly from stuff that he picks from outside. And the witch I think is pretty genuine because Wicca is a real religion.

Personally I think ALL of them are genuine because I believe in Voodoo (and there are many that practice it just like witches practice Wicca) and Vampirism is "real".... there are really people out there (like Don from the show) who manipulate their teeth to make vampire fangs, live like vampires, and drink blood.... human and animal alike.

I hope this helps!




don did drink some girls blood last night on the show...but we didnt have a continuous camera on him so i guess we dont really know that what he drank was what was taken from her or not...soo...but i think he did...not something i would do but to each their own. and while i like fiona i did think it was inappropriate for her to laugh during dons thing and if she was really channeling spirits like she tells someone i think the other alts i would hope that she would explain to don that she was and that she was not just laughing at him. still all in all a good show to watch i never miss it. and i agree i think art is the most convincing that hes a true practioner, but im not saying the others arent. the naturist is my next favorite...i think hes cvery convincing too.


I think they are all genuine...it's like, did anyone ever stop to think they have best selling books and are on radio shows and tv and things like that is because they actually know what they are talking about? just because fiona has only been on tv in australia is because she is from australia and has made her way here, but she also has books written about wicca. i believe in everything that is on this show. maybe its because i have a very open mind, and i am wiccan, but i think it is all real. yeah, don is a vampire, he drinks blood and live by the vampire type rules (i know a lot about vampirism, too cos i'm obsessed with them) except he was once actually a person, so therefor he can go out in the light and stuff...because he has decided that being a vampire just suits him, ya know? i agree with you, allmytee_magoo.
but this is all just my opinion. :)

"You find magick from your God and we find magick everywhere"~Dar Williams


Well, I acknowledge one would have to be learned in a subject to author books and appear on shows and such, but that does not necessarily mean one could not exploit one's knowledge for monetary gain, rather than simply live the alternative lifestyle they are writing about. Hence my questioning.
Fiona in particular interested me, because while she may have been a Wiccan during her time as....a reporter(or whatever) it appeared to be more of something she picked up to distinguish herself. (not denying her knowledge or her current devotion to the subject)
As for Don and the whole vampire thing... don't get me started.
