I can't believe last nights episode! I seriously would have just done enie meni mini mo (anyways how are you supposed to spell those? I get sooo friggin confused!)

"I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. Please...Wesley...why can't I stay?" -RIP Fred


If Nichole were smart, she would have said and done this: "This is too difficult. I don't want to eliminate any of you. So for that, I give this necklace to... myself." (And puts necklace around her own neck.) That would have gained points with everybody.
That's what I would have done, anyway. Especially since I knew I was already safe.
You're right. That was a great episode. I was laughing at the end when the Alts dropped their bomb on the guests.



I agree, I would've put the necklace on my own neck or done eny-meny-myny-mo at the very least, but would the Alts have allowed a guest to necklace herself/himself??


I personally don't think that would have earned the Alts favor. I think they would have thought she was being fake, especially Fiona. I'm sure she would have been on the rag about it the next day, IF she didn't say something right then.

Personally if I had been in Nicole's shoes, I would have given it to Noel...only because her vote didn't matter, and she wouldn't make any enemies that way. Probably not a smart move, but it's what was going through my head at the time she had to make her decision. I personally am hoping Nicole wins.


Interesting that the guys were hung up on clutching their figleaves. Bet it cost them valuable time, not to mention the use of one hand each. Kudos to Nichole to baring all and not giving it a second thought. She deserved the win. Odd that the exotic dancer was so inhibited. Guess it was the open air and daylight.

Eric is soooooooo screwed. I'm looking forward to the April 15th episode to watch the conversation in thedorm room.
