Missed this show (4/1)

What happened? Who was banished?

To you, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?


You didn't miss TOO much. Fiona continued to question Nichole's sincerity while the other's continued to plot against her. Art performed a ceremony in which large fish-catching hooks where placed inbetween his shoulder blades and then he was suspended from those hooks in the air. During the ceremony he asked Nichole to allow him to hold her while he remained suspended by these hooks. After the ceremony everyone gathered in the kitchen to see the beautiful rainbow that had strung itself across the sky.

The challenge for this episode was given by Fiona. Everyone paired up and looped ropes around their waists. Further along the rope it was tied into knots in which each team had to figure out how to unknot the rope while still being wrapped up in it. Whichever team undid all the knots first and grabbed the object on the alter they had to run over to Fiona's alter and then decide which one of them would place the object on the alter and whoever did that would be the winner. Eric (I'm sure that's his name... he's not the janitor guy with the scar on his stomach or Tim {obviously}) and Lana were the first to undo all their knots so they rock/paper/sissored to see who would be the winner.... it was Lana.

After that everyone sat down for dinner in which Fiona kinda jumped down Nichole's back. After dinner the Alts went to deliberate. At the elimination ceremony Don gave his necklace to Nichole (becasue during deliberation he said that she was nothing but fake and he wasn't going to stand for it), Art gave his necklace to Tim, Ta'shia gave her's to Jamie, Avacado gave his to Tim, and Fiona gave her's to Tim.... so Tim was the one to leave.

Be sure to watch next weeks because it looks like it's going to be extremely insane. Don does a blood-letting ceremony which kinda makes the Alts mad at him (or Fiona at least) and makes the guests kinda squimish. A lot of stuff goes down and the elimination ceremony looks like it's going to be the most dramatic this time around than it ever has been before. So I hope this helps! Take care!



What a great summary! Thanks so much, allmytee_magoo!

I hated missing this. I'd watched every other show, and had programmed my DVR to record this.. at least, I thought I had. Sadly, it didn't record properly and when I came to watch it at midnight -- there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I'm glad Tim is gone, though. I wish it had been him and not Bonnie last week. She seemed to be really sweet.

A blood-letting ceremony? My interest is piqued. I'll definitely check the DVR this week twice to make sure it records.

To you, the Renaissance was just something that happened to other people, wasn't it?


You have DVR? So do I! lol

"I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. Please...Wesley...why can't I stay?" -RIP Fred


Well, two really. He pretty much insured he was going to be eliminated because after Art's suspension ceremony, Tim caught him in the hallway and said that if he was one of the two left, he would do the suspension for the $100,000. Art was less than impressed. Tim had absolutely no idea what the whole ceremony was about.
Then he had a stroke of genius: He went around to each of the Alts and told them what he'd do with the money. Mainly have a big picnic and invite all the contestants to attend, like a reunion. Fiona seemed the most put out by that.
Then after he was eliminated, his voice-over at the end was basically saying that Fiona had cast a spell on Art and Avacado and turned them against him. Think what he wants, but he hung himself with his comment to Art and talking about the money.




ARRRRRGGGGRHHHHHH!!! I missed the show this week and it was the one I was looking most forward to seeing because I wanted to see the guests freak out over don's blood drinking!! and who got naked??

What happened? I heard nobody got eliminated? WTF?

"A smoking section in a restauraunt is like having a peeing section in a pool"
- Dave Broadfoot
